
How Do i Deal With My Emotions? Because right now, im holding lots of anger?

by  |  earlier

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ok, for 6 years now, my brother, peple i dont like, and others have always verbally attacked and humiliated me. i have never cried, the last time i can remember i cried was probably 6 or 7 years ago. ever since my mistreatmen started, i always bottled my emotions, and i know thats not good, but now, its like i feel this intensifying anger, and i get this great sensation that i feel like im not myself, like, my anger takes over and i can feel this immence power like i could probably do anything and i need to know why and how i can control this




  1. heres how

    1 go curse ur brother and others that mistreated u out and dont ever let anyone mistreat u agien

    2 take up kickboxing or something

    3 remember anger is a good emotion u cant be angry and depressed so get angry and express it

    its our 2nd best emotion behind hapiness

  2. lesson it happened to me once

    1- you cant revenge from all people whom hurt you before yo have to options either find someone who truly loves and talk to him and get all that anger and emotions out

    2- swallow some of your pride that is related to the bad things in the past years and start a new life , a new personality a strong personality

    3- from now on be strong with brave heart don't let any one humiliate you and in case some s h i t happen that you don't like you simply say it defend your self with a strong hard words

    good luck

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