
How Do i get paper of my clothes that has been washed in the washing machine?

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I put my work uniform in the wash and left quite a lot of paper in the pockets and its all over my uniform.

I dont have one of them brushes that removes fluff from clothes. So does anyone know how to get it out that dosn't require me buying something because i dont have the time.

It cant be put in the dryer ither.




  1. I have used a used disposable razor that men or women use for shaving it is also good for removing pilling  but do not put too much pressure on it ~~

  2. If can't be dried, due to heat, you can put it in on heat.  If you have fabric softener sheets, put a couple in.  Also, you can put in something that doesn't lint... like a smooth cotton pillow case.  The tumbling action and the brushing up against the pillow case will take the paper off and the fabric softener sheets will aid in keeping it off and sending it to the lint trap and your clothes won't be ruined by the dryer, as there's no heat going on.   If it's something like a silk type material, you may have to iron it on low setting with a towel between it and the iron when it comes out; otherwise, it should be fine and no worse the wear than hanging up to dry.  

  3. try taking it to the dry cleaners

  4. Clean out the lint trtap of your dryer. Put the garment in alone and do a touch up cycle. The paper will fall off and get caught in the lint trap.

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