
How Do you Overcome a Bad Dream ?

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I mean it keeps on bothering you ,

and how do you keep your-self away from it .... and keep yourself happy and content ?




  1. I'm gonna stay away from the "it's just a dream" comment.  Our Inner life, even though our culture seems to negate its importance, is just as valid as our Outer life.  

    So, this dream is "bothering you"....  And I'm assuming it is bothering you as in either you can't forget it OR the dream is a recurring one.  Either way, it obviously has some meaning even if your subconscious is the only part of you that is aware of that fact.  So, try analyzing the dream.  Talk it out with someone you trust if you like.  

    As long as you feel "in the dark" as to why you had this dream, it may continue to have a powerful hold on you.  Bring the dream into the light and look at it for what it may mean to you.

    BTW....  Don't use one of those dream dictionaries to work this out unless what you get a gut feeling that interpretation is right.  

    If analyzing the dream doesn't seem to work....  Question your subconscious what it means.  (See the attached link for a way to talk to your subconscious.)

    Hope this helps.

  2. Keep your self postive and remember that it's just a dream !

  3. i don't know. i've had those dreams myself and i cried when i woke up, felt sad most of the day... but then i just forgot about it with time.

  4. before you sleep,think of something nice& works for getting inside of my dream

  5. Your determination to keep yourself away from it is ultimately what makes it so effective at driving you insane.

    I said insanity there, not madness - there's a difference there for those who can grasp the concepts.

    If you want to have lasting happiness, you have to look your fears in the eye, and recognise that your fears are simply a reflection of yourself.

  6. Think about happy things! Like memories and stuff. Reminise.

  7. its so simple to keep away from it,we can just think that its a dream and it depends on mental state of ours,whatever goes on with us comes in our dream.its not at all the matter to bother.there are many work to do keep urself busy wid them and u will forget abt all such things,so try to b practical ok.

  8. It's just a dream! It's not real. Just like a movie shouldn't bother you for any extended period of time.

    That is, unless, the dream depicted something that is bothering you in real life. In which case you should be focusing on that.

  9. Just get along with the day, you will forget the dream slowly what ever good or bad.

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