
How Do you educate someone who does not want to learn or become a better person??

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I want to help a family memeber become more edcuate because his/her ignorance is really getting to me...and there getting more people thinking like the way he/her is which is bad .but it seem like when i try to correct them they bevlieve in what how they see thing's in life...




  1. Good luck with this one. It depends on how stubborn this person is. You may have to work to find out how you can help enlighten them. One approach that may or may not work is to try to get them to at least see your perspective. They don't have to agree with it but at least they can see how you came to that.

    You may have to try different ways. It's not easy. If they have a problem and need help. That is something to look for.

  2. You can not educate someone who does not want to learn or become a better person! Chances are they may want to become better, but there idea of better will be their own!

    If you have any chance of influencing the individuals in question you will have to challenge there view or opinion of any given idea.This is nearly impossible without being perceived as controlling and / or manipulative.

    Here is the title of a book that deals with change It helps with personal growth (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People). The idea is that through your personal change and gain you become an example that others would want to follow. It also deals with the idea of influencing others in a positive way, but their change and growth will be their own!

    Sorry even if your thoughts on things are the best, they will not budge unless they think it is their idea. Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Do not be the Mule be the Carrot! This means simply if your stubborn with them they will be stubborn with you, But find things that influence them in a positive way and you might get positive results (Do not get eaten up in the process this happens to a lot of Carrots.).

    Good Luck getting others to see better ways of doing things!

  3. I sincerely hope the education you're referring to isn't grammatical in nature. Wait though, let me guess, does it have to do with religion?  

  4. You can't change people -- they must want to change themselves.  We all hope that people change for the better, but it's a choice each of us makes, and MOST people choose to stay the way they are.  All you can do is accept them or reject them.  And nobody likes being corrected, so stop doing that.  

  5. You can't, especially through words and corrections. Let them see by example and if they don't follow there's nothing you can do. You can't force it.

  6. Your ignorance is getting to me! You want to educate and correct someone else yet it's quite obvious you can't even use the spell checker when writing questions. Also ask yourself this, "What makes your way right and their way wrong?"  

  7. you dont unless they want to just be a good example by living a good live, or leave them alone.

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