
How Do you get rid of coldsoars quickly?! 10 points plz help!

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i dont have it now but wenever i do it usually goes on for a week or longer...any tips?!




  1. Abreeva works best. also tea bags..

    and for me I take Lysine Vitamins and use chapstick religiously, just so that it helps prevent one from coming on. You can buy Lysine vitamins just about anywhere. like walgreens, walmart... Trust me on this, i used to get them really badly all the time. Hope I helped!!

  2. whenever you feel one forming dab it with rubbing alcohol and put abreva on it immediately. Do this twice daily until the sensation of one forming is gone.

  3. go to the store and buy some coldsore meds

  4. tea tree oil, or , as a preventative, take the supplement llysine

  5. when you brush your teeth, brush the cold sore with your toothbrush

  6. If you ice them the minute you know they are coming out, it may help.  It has helped for me.  The don't get as nasty and go away a little quicker.  I ice them several times for like 10 or 15 minutes at a time that first day of noticing when you can't really see it yet but you can feel it.

  7. Whenever I think I am getting one or already have one, I use this stuff called Zilactin.  It isn't prescription but it works amazingly.  The one con is that it stings like crazy for about 10 seconds.  Works quickly!

  8. keep it dry and dont touch it simple as that  

  9. I've heard toothpaste dries them out. Just a dab tho b4 going to bed.

  10. well you can get abreva pretty much at any drug store or at walmart. You put it on just like chap stick!

             Good luck!

  11. Alcohol is the universal germ killer. It can sting but is ideal for destroying cold sore virus. If you use bottled alcohol, apply with a cotton ball. Pre-packaged alcohol swabs are available and most convenient. One down side - alcohol has to be applied frequently. A cold sore treatment that will kill viruses but lasts longer between applications, are oils such as oregano or garlic oil. Both work great, feel good and last a long time. Oregano smells better in public.

    Making the area unfriendly to the cold sore virus is as simple as applying ice or any cold object. The herpes virus hates cold and will retreat from it.

    Finally, applying some fresh (from a plant leaf) Aloe Vera gel on the sore will speed healing dramatically.

  12. Apply the spice named Alum to the coldsore.The alum will dry up

    and remove the physical signs of the coldsore. Alum also works

    great on "canker" sores on the inside of the lip or on the gum,which

    are also coldsores.

    When you apply the alum to the sore, you will experience a

    stinging sensation,but dont worry, the stinging just lets you know that

    it is working.

    It usually takes from 12 to 36 hours, for the sore to go away.

  13. A good OTC medication is Abreva.  It seems to work pretty well on cold sores.

  14. sadly, there isn't really a way to get rid of them quickly, since it's a virus acting up.. but putting some cold sore meds on it can help.  like Carmex.  If your cold sores appear often, you can take some medication to help suppress the virus.  Maybe talk to your doctor about valtrex?

  15. Hydrogen Peroxide.

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