
How Do you get rid of pimples on your forehead?

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My Friend has many pimples on his for-head we tried everything (We took him to a doctor (dermatologist) but the lotion didn't. I need help, and he driving me crazy. ALSO IT BEEN THERE FOR 2 YEARS AND WE TRIED EVERYTHING




  1. Did you try proactive, clean n' clear??

    If not you have not tried evrything Ken.

  2. You can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at

  3. do you have bangs by any chance?

    (will make extra dirt and oil)


  5. maybe you should put toothpaste that helps me, but i get them small i put the toothpaste on and the next day you can barely see it, or he could try some cover up if that doesn't work, i know lots of guys that put cover up, but they don't know how to use it. so show him how to blend it together so it doesn't show.

  6. you should wash your face at least twice a day. usually when you wake up, maybe in the afternoon or after you sweat a lot, and before you go to bed. buy a clearasil or neutrogena facial scrub to wash your face with.

    maybe try proactiv refining mask, it dries out your pimples really quickly.

    or try clean and clear. it makes your face red after wards though so you need to put aloe lotion on it to make the redness go away. i dont use it cuz i have sensitive skin and it burns. so be careful.  

  7. does he have like bangs? cuz ive seen some guys who look like they have a clear face but then when they pick of there bangs up there like full of pimples its like Whoa! but yeah um maybe he doesnt wash his face everyday ? when he wakes up and before he goes to bed he has to wash his face. if not go to a store and buy some thing for acne

  8. Acne is caused by your hormones and your skin's inability to slough of old, dead cells. Acne is NOT caused by, chocolate, french fries or greasy foods. So, make sure he is washing his face at least 2times a day. Try proactiv, it has a 30day warranty. You can also go buy Clean&Clear for $5-10. Or you can go buy Neutrogena Oil-free acne wash and/or Neutrogena oil-free acne stress control, only about $5-10 too. If, he doesn't have the time or the money to buy that stuff, he can try taking some aspirin tablets and some lemon juice (real lemon juice). Put the lemon juice on top of the aspirin tablets and just put that on your Acne. Good Luck.

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