
How Do you let your mother know that you are getting older and you can make your own choices?

by Guest57853  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and I will be 17 in August and my mother still treats me like a baby




  1. My mother was the same way. All I did was get a job, help pay bills, pay my insurance, cell phone bill. Do things to show your mom that you are responsible and can take of your self. She should give you some slack if you do that.

    Maybe, she wants to keep treating you like a child because she don't want to let you grow up. But MAKE her see that you are growing up and sooner or later you have to take care of your self.

  2. get pregnant

  3. Moms never stop treating you like you're a baby. I'm 37 and mine still acts like I'm in diapers, telling me what to eat, what time to go to bed, what to wear. It never ends.

  4. You really don't tell at all, you as a person will be defined by your actions personally and professionally.  Your mother and others around you will see that you are getting older by how you do and handle situations. That is better then telling, actions are way louder then words.  So take stock in yourself and start doing. Good Luck.

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