
How Do you practice these basketball skills

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I Went to basketball camp ( for the first time, and was like the worst one there ) and i felt really stupid, and it seemed obvious that i didn't know what i was doing, But i really want to make the basketball team at school more than ANYTHING

But i cant:

dribble ( or do much of anything with me left hand )

Layups ( i don't get them at all Left and Right )

Shoot ( Well, im kind of O.k at that ... )

I can do almost anything else though, i have the stamina, the effort ( i can run pretty darn fast ), and i can rebound like you cannot believe and i am pretty aggressive

And all the other stuff

Help, before i go back to school!

<3 Ginny




  1. Alright it may be tough to make the team depending on your competition at your skill level right now, but if you are really determained (which i think you are) then If you put a lot of effort into your practices then you&#039;ll improve pretty fast. Remember you just gota practice smart, the smarter you practice the faster and better results you get. For dribbling, if you are dribbling with your palm, you MUST change this habit and start using your fingerpads. It will be hard to change at first but keep at it, and in at least a week you&#039;ll see a difference. This may seem hard but dribble two balls at once. You gota get out of your safe zone, and challenge yourself. Once you can dribble left handed, start practicing crossovers. under the leg, behind the back, and the spin move are good moves to create space and to pass your defender.

    now for layups, the only thing that will help you is to practice it. just remember take two steps when you&#039;re doing a layup, take the first step with the right leg if you&#039;re going right, and same for left.

    for shooting remember to use your legs for power, and shoot it with a high arc. the higher the arc the more likely it is to go in.

    If you have any more questions, i got the answers ;).

    PS. Learn from the best ever.

  2. Basketball camp is for sure the place coaches pick out what your lacking. But to help on some drills, here is a list of what you can do...but effort is the key hear and you said you have that. If you do these everday and are commited to getting better. Do these drills as much as you can everyday...

    Dribbling- Dribble the ball with your left an right hands, regular dribbles up and down the court, pavement etc. switch everytime you go down. this helps with control of your off hand.

    rotate the ball around your back and front 360 degrees, just keep it rotating. From the right to left hand, then left to right. This also helps with control of your off hand.

    power dribbles are just as they sound. Begin with one hand and bounce the ball hard with the right hand, but make sure you do this to the side of your body. Then the exact opposite with the left hand. This is a major control workout with your dribbling. This is a workout tim hardaway showed us in training camp in &#039;94.

    crossover dribbles- once your non hand becomes familiar with the ball, you can begin crossover dribbles. Just walk and crossover as you walk each step. To get you familiar with this, begin with standing in one spot and with each dribble, lift your leg and dribble the ball to the opposite hand, then back over. Lift the other and do the same thing. It helps alot especially if your just starting out.  These are just a few techniques you can use. But most recommended.

    Layups- Most people want to try to learn to fingeroll the first time instead of just doing a regular layup. It takes practice, but to put it simply..stand under the basket, dont run toward it, like your getting ready to start your layup and just practice with your hand popping it off the backboard like a bank shot. But do this with only your right hand, not both. Then switch over to your left hand. Gradually your hands, control and cordination will help you get the feel of how to do the layup and then you can start by running toward the basket. Then its a piece of cake, youll feel like you have been doing this forever. Then you can start by doing the finger roll.

    I hope this helps you and go impress those coaches. Check out my other answers to help with your shooting.

  3. well just practice dribbling with right then left and then cross over to both hands and just keep practicing layups and shooting

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