
How Do you start an affiliate bussiness?

by  |  earlier

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i've asked you prevoius quietions about this now might be the final, what do i need to start this kind of bussiness? Simple but detailed explanaition because im kinda new .





  2. It's hard to be detailed about affiliate marketing without filling up a whole page, so I'll try to answer you question as bets as I can and refer you to other short articles that will give you more detail.

    I hate to sound like a salesman, but the best place to start affiliate marketing is by paying and signing up to a course. The one I support is called Profit Lance -

    The reason I recommend it is because for the money you pay it's easier and quicker to get your hands on all the material you need rather than wasting hours on trying to get the same information from less reliable sources on the internet.

    The materials in these courses have been tested and work!

    The best place to start is clickbank, but since you said that clickbank doesn't apply then I suggest you try another network like commission junction or paydotcom (they pay through paypal). Here's how you can choose the right affiliate network:

    The next thing I recommend is that you sign up and start using AdWords for you affiliate marketing. Nothing teaches affiliate marketing faster than AdWords... though it can cost you money if you stuff it up, so make sure you learn it! Learn how to set up your account properly:

    Lastly, you need a good landing page. I suggest to start with a sales page or squeeze page for an affiliate product (so you can send AdWords traffic to it). Here's how o get started:

    And just one more article for motivation, this is about having a successful online business:

  3. The affiliate world has a lot going on that most do not know about.  Since you are new to affiliate marketing my recommendation is to learn while doing in a turnkey  affiliate business.

    What I mean by turnkey is  that most of the setup is done for you in a unique way where you can focus on 1 thing only and that is marketing.

    Also specific guidance on marketing in also an important element.

    It is very easy for a new person to this environment to get bogged down with learning everything under the sky and never get to the making money stage.

    You learn as you go in a controlled focused environment actually doing income producing activities.

    Why a controlled and focused environment? Because there are strategies out there in affiliate marketing that most do not know about but really hinders the earning potential of newbies.

    With out going into a whole course of study of the rampant affiliate commission blackhat techniques out there, let me give you a quick explanation.

    A newbie to affiliate marketing will start pumping money into marketing  affiliate products only to find that their sales are going to other affiliates. This happens to 20 -40 percent of their sales because they are not taking the right precautions and they do not understand the game.

    Do not get me wrong , there is tons of money to be made in affiliate marketing....tons. But a newbie usually gets hammered out before they can get to understand how to play the game.

    So for newbies starting out on the right foot is crucial. But spending all your time consuming information and not making  money is a waste of time.

    I found the link below to be a focused and productive environment for those looking to start in affiliate marketing.

  4. Hello,

    Great post.  The most important part of business is advertising.  This makes or breaks a business.  Some of the best ways to advertise I've found are:

    1.  Offline promoting (business cards, flyers, newspaper and other print advertising).

    2.  Online promoting (buying banner ads, forum posts, email auto replies).

    The best method that's worked for me so far is handing out business cards.  I don't do this in the usual way.... I buy them in bulk from a place online (they give the cards for free, I just  paid shipping and handling...they also give a really nice free business card holder, it looks impressive).  They're really high quality.  I just put all of the info about my business on the cards, and I hand them out on cars at bus stations, malls, etc.  It's worked out really, really well for me, and it's completely inexpensive =)

    Good Luck with your business!

  5. I have over fifty affiliate based web sites with over 500,000 products. Here are some free affiliate programs that are easy to work with.

    Affiliate Bot

    ShareAsale is my favorite:

    Linkshare is OK:

    and I have made a lot of money with FusionQuest:

    Stay Clear of CJ, and ConnectCommerce they are hard to work with and they pay low commissions.

    Hope this helps and feel free to email me with any questions.

  6. http://affiliate-programs-revenue.blogsp...

  7. Hi!

    I strongly recommend you to download the free Affiliate Masters Course. Go to and scroll down the page until you will see the box with the text:


    Affiliate Masters Course

    Affiliate Masters Course has been called...

    "the best info on succeeding as an affiliate...

        at any price...

            and it's free."


    Download it and you will know all about affiliate business for sure. Enjoy!

  8. Go through the affiliate masters course.

  9. I would agree with the others who reccommend you read the Affiliate Masters Course. That will prepare you for getting started in affiliate marketing. However once you progress you will need additional information. The site in the source space below contains over a dozen of the best affiliate marketing ebooks available today. Including the Affiliate Master Course.

    Also you will find many free video tutorials if you prefer learning that way. The info is free all you have to do is apply what you learn to your marketing effort to see results. Plus you will save a lot of time finding everything you need to get started all in one place.

  10. Affiliate business is a very good opprotunity and a career option. Join or click bank or products you like individually as an affiliate. Start a marketing campaign and start selling it. Learn everyhting about affiliate business

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