
How Does Environmental Racism Work?

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I'm studying for my Sociology final, and the book states that environmental racism makes environmental hazards greatest for the poor, especially so?

I would just like an example or two since the book doesn't give any, and I'm curious




  1. this is just gobly-goop by some liberal that wrote that book. it is just the opposite i.e. the cultural poor -appalation mountain people , certain pockets of poor minorities and farmers do not polute nowheres as much as well to do city people with there suv's driving 100 miles round trip each day to go to work. example are the super freeways around cities and the smog ,  the author could be getting to the fact of the minorities have to stay in the city and the yuppies can drive to the suburbs-- if you would leave out the first "enviromental " it would make perfect sense

  2. Research Found Evidence of Widespread Environmental Racism

    Fearful that the Houston situation was no anomaly, Bullard cast his net wider to find more examples of what he called “environmental racism.” Indeed, he found not only dumps, but also polluting factories and other industrial blemishes throughout the American Southeast—from West Virginia to Alabama to Texas to Louisiana to Florida—located where poor and sometimes middle-class. Environmental Justice Movement Grew in Response to Environmental Racism

    While discriminatory decision-making was no doubt a factor, Bullard also theorized that such communities’ lack of political experience also contributed to their predicament. Such realizations gave birth to an entire new political movement, and today thousands of activists in the U.S. and elsewhere monitor policymaking, lobby for new laws, and fight City Hall in the struggle for “environmental justice.”

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