
How Does Paying With Debit Work At A Restaurant . . . Date Tonight!?

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After the movie I think we might go to Denny's. I'm just wondering how does it work if I'm paying with debit, do I just put the card in the little slot in the bill? PLEASE HELP! Thanks! It's my first time by the way. =)




  1. Yes, just treat it as if you were paying with a credit card. You may have to go up to the cashier to enter your PIN. Have fun! (and make sure you have money in your account, cuz it'll suck directly out.

  2. No no no no!!!!

    Don't stick it in the folder, that is for credit cards only!!!

    The above poster was wrong, you do not sign for anything on debit!!!

    You have to get up and go to the front counter, hand them your bill, say "I have debit"

    They will either

    1. Take your card, swipe it, hand you the pinpad, where you will confirm the amount, then select CHQ or SAV depending on which account you use. Then you will enter your pin #, hit okay, and hand it back to the person.


    2. They will ask you to swipe it yourself. All pinpads are different, they will usually tell you which direction to swipe it in and which way the bar has to be facing. Then follow above instructions.

    Most restaurants will have an extra option for you to add a tip into your total using the pinpad. I usually select "no tip" and leave some cash on the table for the server.

    If you're nervous, go to 7-11 and buy a bag of chips, and practice!!

    oh, and....don't go to dennys on a date lol

  3. yes you just put it in the folder thing they bring you and they will swipe it for you, then once they bring it back you have to sign for it, and make sure its the correct amount. if you want to tip the person with your debit card you ust calculate the tip in the total bill, you will see a place to write the tip in, and thats it but make sure you get your card back!!!

  4. Since most debit cards are powered with a major credit card backer (VISA or Mastercard), you can use your debit card just like a credit card.

    When you actually use it, treat it like a credit card instead of debit.  That way the transaction has to go through the credit system & it gives you more security (practically zero liability for fraudulent charges) than the debit system.  You'll have to sign the slip (vs the PIN) & there may be a hold on some of your funds while it gets processed, but it's fairly simple & very secure.

    If you want to do the debit route, make sure your card doesn't leave your sight when you process it.  The debit system is less secure (higher liability for fraudulent charges) & requires your PIN.  However, it does pull the funds directly out of your account immediately, making the transactions fairly painless.

    I can't stress enough not to let your card out of your site as an untrustworthy waiter / waitress could run your card through a reader to pick up the data & then grab your PIN number to run up a bill on your dime later with little chance to refute the charges (as the funds are gone).  I know it's a completely paranoid thing, but it can happen if you're not careful.

    As I said before, just use it like a credit card & enjoy a relaxing night on the town!

  5. When ever you pay with debit is as if you went to an ATM and took money out of your acc right away..That is why your pin is require..

    as we credit the money is not taken out of your acc right pending

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