
How Does Someone get into Harvard (Or ANY Ive League)? *WILL Pick Best Answer!!?

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Okay, So I'm going into the 9th grade and home-schooled. And my question was, can I get into Harvard, Yale (any of the Ivy Leagues', but I prefer Harvard over all) if I've been home-schooled?

- Does that count for or against me?

- What classes do I need to take (in high school), etc.?

- Please feel free to add anything!

Thanks SO much for for time!

*I will pick a Best Answer!!




  1. AP courses in science are usually highly regarded. And of course perfect or almost perfect SAT's. It helps as well to have some singular and memorable achievement on your resume--you have designed a computerized contrabassoon used by the Indianapolis orchestra, you teach inner city kids computer programming and have won an award for it, you have published a book with a New York house (though this is becoming commonplace), you have an usual combination of interests: Finnish and eco-friendly dairy farming; you speak Georgian and have written an article in it. Home schooling has to follow certain guidelines, I believe--is subject to some tests that homeschooling parents should know about.

    It helps to be from an area of the country that does not send a lot applications to Harvard: better to be from Missoula, MT, than Short Hills, New Jersey, better to come from Winnipeg than Bethsda, Maryland.

  2. Get this book. It has great advice that you can apply to your education.

    What colleges don’t tell you and other parents don’t want you to know

    -272 Secrets for getting your kid into the Top Schools    

    Best of Luck!


  3. (1) HSLDA has a ton of info on homeschooling through High School.  If your family are members they have 2 coordinators to help you plan and achieve your goals!

    (2) This is the College Bound brochure you'll want page 2 for the ideas you're looking for.

    (3) Federal Requirements for Homeschoolers seeking college admission and financial aid.

    (4) A list of Homeschool Friendly Schools.... Harvard is on the list!!! :-D

    Just a quick personal note...

    I'm so proud of you thinking of all this as you start out!!!  It is best you start now to plan your path than wait a year or two and be behind! :-D  It sounds to me like you are the type of student that Harvard is looking for, and I'm sure you'll do well.

    Classes should be geared toward your projected Major(s)/Minor(s)  The more AP, and Junior College classes the better, and community involvement/ extra curricular activities you have the better.  They want you to be well rounded!

    (5) Is Class/Credit info, as well as preparing your transcript.

    Sorry this is so long, and I have so much you have to link to read.  I hope that it helps!

  4. no u cannot get into harvard

  5. When these Ivy leagues look through applications, they are looking for students who come off as the smartest and most promising. You need to have really good grades. There are no specific class you have to take in high school, but it does look good if your taking advanced courses. It also looks good if you have great letters of recommendation. Also, you have to have several extracurricular activites that your are involved in such as volunteering, hobbies, sports, groups, or clubs you are in. Its a plus if you've won some awards.

    Being home-schooled doesnt make a difference, though it may be harder to get letters of recommendation since those are usually written by teachers and principals. Maybe if you can have a mentor or someone who you have worked for write it for you.

    Also, you need to study alot for the SAT! Those grades are really important too!

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