
How Does it Feel Boston, MANNY WANTS OUT?

by Guest34483  |  earlier

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I'm telling you it was the yankee pinstrips that makes him want out of Boston, But we don't want him either we'll let the Marlins have him.




  1. How could NY STEAL Pudge?!!!! I'm STIlL in SHOCK!

  2. Long live the Yankees!

    They might have been losing before but they're gonna be back at the top pretty soon!

    After all, they aren't the Red Socks they're the Red Sucks.

  3. well i dont live in boston in fact i live in georgia.

    but im a fan of all boston sports!!!

    i beleive if we want to make it to the chapion ship we need to keep him!!!!

  4. he's said he wants out like 50 times over the past 5 years...its nothing new

  5. Good riddance. He'a an embarrassment to all the great Red Sox players who ever played hurt and hard. Good riddance.

  6. The Red Sox will never be the same without Manny I'm a Yankee fan so I like that trade if it happens.

  7. If I was Theo Epstein--and, thankfully, I'm not--I would ship this egocentric buffoon to Kansas City for a slab of ribs and a side of cole slaw.

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