
How FAST have you ever DRIVEN on a HIGHWAY?

by  |  earlier

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if exceeding maximum speed, were u caught?

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  1. Indicated speed of 160+mph on a motorcycle.  Wind blast was a #####.  didn't get caught but did blow by an unmarked cop car at roughly 140.  Oops.

  2. i got pulled doing 112mph in a 55mph zone. he did not get me on radar, so the ticket was dropped to 64mph in a 55mph zone.... whew

  3. 155MPH in Germany. The car was limited to 155 by electronic buffer not the speed limit (which there isn't one).

    edit: i wasn't driving but it was **** scary....(cause of traffic obviously)

  4. I was young and stupid at the age of 19 and was driving 145 mph but did not get caught.

  5. I did 209mph in the NLEX here in the Philippines. I was driving a tuned up car, "Mitsubishi Eclipse" with NOS. Don't want to do it again though. I did not met any accident nor a near miss but I came to realized that I was a danger not only to myself but to others as well. It was night at that time and there were a few cars. Nope, I was not drunk or high on drugs but I just wanted to try it. It really was a blast but that's the last time. I still drive fast at 180-210mph but only in controlled environments.

  6. 160 mph, did not get caught.  got caught doing 100 mph though

  7. "Only" 135.  I had a 1995 Mercedes S320 that I wound out on a 6-mile straightaway, and it was very firm and solid in the road.  Who knows how much faster I could have gotten if I hadn't had to let off to get stopped!

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