
How Fast Do Airplanes Go?

by Guest67047  |  earlier

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Anyone know how fast a plane goes while in the air?




  1. Commercial planes, such as an Airbus or Boeing, usually travel from about 0.74 to 0.80 Mach.

  2. very fast

  3. What kind of plane?

    A commercial airliner will typically go about 300-400 miles per hour, but can get up to about 600 miles per hour.

  4. about 800 km per hour or 500 mph. But it dependes on the plane type

  5. Piston engine light planes cruise at anywhere from 85-90 MPH up to 250-275 MPH for a fast twin engine light plane.

    Piston engine fighter planes of the mid-20th Century (World War 2) reached cruising speeds in excess of 500 MPH, though 400 was more typical.

    Piston engine airliners cruise as slowly as about 100 MPH, while some of the late models cruised up into the 400 MPH range.  WW2 bombers had comparable speeds.

    Turboprop aircraft generally cruise at around 300-350 MPH.

    Jet airliners and corporate aircraft cruise anywhere from about 400 MPH to the high 500 MPH range (that is, near 600 MPH).

    Military jet fighters and bombers of today have cruise speeds from 400-500 MPH up to speeds in excess of 2,000 MPH.  The performance of many of these is classified, and you will have trouble finding out the actual speeds.

    The fastest research rocket planes flew in excess of 5,000 MPH.

    For much more information about these things, try an internet search on "aircraft performance."

  6. The fastest is an unmanned aircraft, X 43, which travels at mach 9.8 or almost 10 times the speed of sound.

  7. What an open question. You must have been raised in a government school.

  8. the sr71 has not been tested to its full potential, a ram air engine , has such a great speed potential. the air craft flies at such a rate of speed that the air craft stretches every flight.

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