
How GENUINE is LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz lottery conducted from an exclusive list of e-mail addresses by automated

by  |  earlier

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  1. It is all scam.  It is fraud.

  2. believe me............dis is just a bogus.............i also recieved mails frm british lotteries dat i've won a huge amount and de asked me to give my details (address, ph. no. etc.) to the courier company,  wen i contacted d company, it asked for a huge sum of money as delivery fees..........and said dat it cudn't b deducted frm my prize money. so u may go and try it out further but most probably u'll be ending up wid nothing like me!!!!!!! bye.........

  3. It's real send all the information they ask for. You sure are lucky.

  4. if you didn't buy tickets how could you win??? pretty obvious its a scam isn't it????

    if you believe it then you deserve to lose all your money from these thiefs .... and you will because they are asking for your bank details, address, name, age, date of birth etc aren't they??!!! and if you give it to them they can use this information to gain access to your bank account or use the details to apply for credit cards or loans in your name, spend all the money and leave you in thousands of dollars worth of debt and nothing you can do about it

  5. It is bogus.  Eevry body on the internet is receiving from this company conveying that the individual concerned has won huge sum of money and furnish the details of his name ,address and bank account etc,so that they can  transfer the amount to your  bank account.  It is nothing but fraud and something must be done to put an end to this so that gullible public will no become victims of this  scam.

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