
How Good Are Forex Trading Systems For Emotion Free Trading?

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How Good Are Forex Trading Systems For Emotion Free Trading?




  1. Consider using Trading systems as a way to diversify and not put all your capital into that. Trade your account manually, and learn how to deal with your emotions and at the same time, allocate part of your money for system trading.

    Not all system or trading method will work all the time.

    Good luck!

  2. If you're a highly successful and experianced FX trader... some of these systems will work well for you.  If you're new to FX trading and you think this is the answer to you making some "real" money.... you will effectivly hurt yourself badly.

    There is no "easy way" to make good money in FX. Just a lot of hard work, education, paractice & time.  In addition, money management skills re just as important as picking the right pair.

  3. Not really helpful if you are looking for the system to drain out the emotion from trading. Just doesn't work.  

  4. If what you want is emotion free forex trading, these automated forex trading systems are best.  

    I used to be really anxious and worried about making decisions whether to go into trades or not and with these forex trading systems, I overcame a lot of my nervousness.  The software I like is Forex Killer as it generates signals for me to follow.  I just setting it to my criteria and wait for it to give me signals.  

  5. Forex trading systems are only as good as the traders who use them. Mental fitness and objectivity are key to your success as a trader, and most back-tested systems I've used are actually quite good for emotion-free trading. But they work only as long as traders don't let their impulses interfere with the profit potential of their trades. You win some, you lose some. Don't let emotions control the outcome of your trade.

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