
How HOT is it where u live???

by  |  earlier

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omg, its 84 degrees out, and its only like 11am!!! and i live near seattle so this kind of weather is rare...




  1. not hot enough its' about 65 now.

  2. 90! the high is 98!

    and its suppose to reach 103 tomorrow!


  3. It is 62 degrees here

  4. England....winter average 6*C

                      summer average 21*C

  5. its cold! its 62 degrees. and its 2:48 p.m

  6. Its 21 celcius  or about 72  f in Burnaby BC   canada part of Vancouver  @ 11:50 am

  7. 87

  8. i live in columbus ohio.... enough said!

  9. I live in Garland Texas (its right outside Dallas) its 1:49 pm and its 79 degrees

  10. in Philippines its 38-41C here...its so hot...^^

  11. 105

  12. its 80-100 degrees betwewn june-july, but its 70 degrees now.

  13. right now its in the mid 60's but 2 weeks ago it was in the 80's

  14. I live in Piitsburgh,PA

    and it is march-like weather low in 40 -59 degrees F and high in 60-75 degrees F  now in May.

  15. 74 degrees in New Orleans, LA

  16. It's 37'C (98'F) in southern British Columbia right now and it's only 1:00 pm.  Hottest time around here usually between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm.

  17. Right now it is 97F and it isn't even summer yet. Yes, I live in the redneck state of South Dakota. Summers are extremely hot and winters are extremely cold. That's just the way it is here. It's very unpredictable.

  18. around the 70s-80s, its almost 3 pm now (Ohio).  It's Ohio weather....completely random and snows during summer and its super hot during winter -.-

  19. It is only 76 here now... we've had light rain this past morning and considerable cloudiness during the day.  Looks like westerly winds too.

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