
How Hard Is It To Adopt A Kid?

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I'm definitely not old enough to seriously be considering this, but I'm thinking about the future. I'm just wondering, how difficult is the process to adopt a child? I'm thinking either a Romanian or Russian boy. Thanks!




  1. You will need to do some research on the websites and also calling and consulting real people who have dealt with this.  Don' t be fooled by the "hollywood types' who adopt.  They have big money and can manuever through the system in ways that 'normal' folks can't.  In China for example, I have learned they are begging for people from the US to come and adopt.  They will not resist because they believe in families not having more children than they can care for.  Other countries who want to 'downsize' have similar views.  Realistically, you must do some legwork.  First of all, you have to have funds that would cover travel and expenses. You must have a contact from that particular country who is looking out for you and your adoptive child.....then you have to have funds to pay for all kinds of things "they" come up with.  Legal fees would include visas, birth certificates, etc. to transfer a child out of their own country.  Please do not proceed without your own lawyer who knows how these things work.  You could risk loosing money to a "shyster" and never see your child.  I can't help but ask - would you not consider adopting some American child in need of a family?  Also, consider "Fostering".  You can get paid to foster children in your home and have the family atmosphere.  I have fostered some children and it is the best experience I have ever had.  I am loving someone's child who has not received love.  Think about it. And much luck and love to you.

  2. Not easy and very expensive

  3. Hopefully just 'hard' enough to filter you out of the selection process.

  4. Dont look at it like that.  If you're willing to devote the entire rest of your life to a child, the difficulty of the process getting there shouldnt matter.

  5. in Australia


    thankfully Deborah Leigh is campaigning for changes to adoption law.

  6. Steven Curtis Chapman has a great adoption program but I don't know if it is associated with a particular country.

    You can do a google search for KLOVE and they have a link for him.  I think it is called johanas hope.  I'm not sure about the spelling.

    He has a lot of very useful information about adoption.

  7. There are thousands of children in foster care waiting for homes, so it shouldn't be too difficult so there is no need to by-pass the children in need right on your doorstep

    However if you're talking about infant adoption - most people parent their children these days and I think there are approx 40 adoptive parents per 1 available adoptable infant

    This is why agencies use unethical means to procure children for their customers so I would say do your homework before attempting to obtain an infant for yourself - most of those babies come from mothers who, with a little support, are perfectly capable of parenting their child

    ps "good looking and cute" are we talking about adopting a real live human being here or an animal - blech!  What an insult to adoptees

  8. Let me get this straight - please let me know if I'm wrong. You are a young man looking to adopt a Russian boy because you think they're cute? Is that right?

  9. Romanian children are no longer easy to adopt.. not like they were 15+ yrs ago.  Russia is very strict too.  My Sgt was able to adopt 2 Russian boys because a bit easier he could PROVE his Russian ancestry. But all in all,  and sad to say, Adoption can take a long time and a lot of money.

    Check with an agency or an attorney.  There are also many adoption chat rooms

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