
How? Hard to get a job when you reach middle age.?

by  |  earlier

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I am not graduate. Sending out 50 application letters only 2 called for interview. But many people when for interview that day, most of them are younger than me, I am sure most of them are higher educated than me. My interview was not successful! Very disappointed!

I am worried and stressful.

I need a income to take care of my family. What are the choices to earn a living?




  1. what kind of job you are looking for ?

    this is no a problem only face by you.

    there are over crowded of foreign talent on our land fighting for a decent job. Sad.

  2. hI

    I was once with the same problem with you but now i got a IT jobs,maybe you need to upgrade your skill & do some networking

    ok  i create below group  to help those who are looking for jobs

  3. There are many employers out there looking for mature age people who have a wealth of experience, and who are less likely to want to change their job once employed. Make a list of your skills. What are you able to do best? What have been your successes during your working life. What innovations and improvements have you made in the workplace in the past. These are your strengths. You should also know your weaknesses and learn how to overcome those.

    Accentuate the positive things about yourself and use these when asking for a position. Tell the interviewer what benefits the company will get by employing you.

    Do not apply for a job in the industries which primarily employ the under 25 age group. You are asking to be passed over.  

    Be very selective when deciding who to approach. Why not telephone a few of the larger establishments that have been operating for twenty or more years in your region. If you can do clerical work they may have a position in their store or receiving or dispatch department.  

  4. Just remember that you have so many highly useful qualities that a prospective employer will be on the lookout for ! You have valuable transferable skills that you have got through the course of your life & your former employment ! I have a saying "Persistence & Perseverance will pay me Pounds (£'s) & Pence (p) ! Please remember it & write it down ! When you get a Letter / E-Mail letting you know that you have not got a Job then contact the Employer & ask if you can be given an indication as to why you did not get the Job ! This should help you in your future Job Applications !

    Photocopy a Job Application Form x times before you fill it in ! This way you can have a few 'rough' attempts at filling it in & it will not matter if you should make a mistake ! Finally fill in the Job Application form 100% correctly that you are going to send off to the prospective employer ! Before you do so make sure that you keep a photocopy of the 100% correctly filled out Job Application form so that if you need to in the future you can refer back to it should you need e.g. If you get called on to go for an Interview ! N.B. Keep everything that relates to your individual Job Applications in a File in Date Order that you applied for the Jobs so that you can refer back to it for information etc. should you need to ! I use to wait at least 4 weeks after sending out a Job Application to see if I would get a response ? If I had not received a reply / response from a prospective employer by this time then I would contact them to find out if they had received my Job Application form & to find out from them what was happening ?

    I am currently a 'Full-Time Freelance Jobseeker' & I am 43 years of age ! I have had periods of being a 'Full-Time Freelance Jobseeker' ! I have also in the past sent out so many Job Applications with a high % coming back as 'We are sorry in this instance . . . We wish you every success in the future !' Do not take these 'rejections' personally ! Do as I have said above !

    To utilise some of your time & to help you in the process of getting another Job have you considered doing some Voluntary Work ? If a prospective employer can see that you are still organising your life & keeping to a routine & a schedule & that you are utilising your transferable skills or indeed learning new transferable skills then this can directly / indirectly help you as a prospective employer will look on this type of activity quite favourably !

    Doing 'Mock Interviews' can also help you when it comes to the time that you get called to go to a proper Interview !

    Remember to keep a Positive (+) Mental Attitude (PMA+) at ALL times ! Have confidence in yourself ! Remember 'Quitters never Win !' Winners never Quit !' Remeber 'Nothing succeeds like success !' 'Keep your Chin Up !

    All the Best for your Future ! You will win through in the end ! I am sure of it !

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