
How High Will the Seas Rise?

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The funny thing is that even the famous IPCC does not claim the world will be flooded from melting icebergs or glaciers. Only the completely ignorant main stream media puts out that misinformation. The IPCC claims the flooding will occur because of the expansion of the oceans due to warming. And even that is laughable.

Here are some good stats for you. THESE NUMBERS ARE TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE IPCC 4TH REPORT, Chapter 5, page 419.

NOTE: Before examining the data, please retrieve a metric ruler for reference (if you have any). The smallest increments are mm, and that is what all the following measurements are in. If you do not have a

Metric ruler, then note that 1 mm equals about 1/32 of an inch, or about 25 mm equals 1 inch

Sea level rise 1961-2003 due to:

Thermal Expansion .42

Glaciers and Ice Caps .50

Greenland Ice Sheets .05

Antarctic Ice Sheet .14

Sum 1.1

Observed 1.8




  1. Hundreds of thousands of feet.  We're doomed, we're all doomed.  Global warming will raise the seas until they drown the sun.  Then the earth will get frigid cold.  The polar bears will wonder the globe dining on penguins.  Only the Eskimos will survive.  Eventually the world will thaw but not after sand driven by the glaciers has buried half the statue of Liberty. Charlton Heston and  Linda Harrison will find the remnants on the beach.     We're all doomed.

  2. I believe this web site has the most accurate record of sea levels and also confirms what you have disclosed from the IPCC:

    What the Alarmists haven't thought of is that there are very few structures by the oceans that are over 100 years old.  Man continually rebuilds and upgrades structures - so how can it cost hundreds of billions dollars because of sea levels rising = they would be 'modernized' without sea levels rising naturally.

  3. Scary isn't it?

  4. Please don't show this to Bob.

  5. I am currently working on my Global Warming Script and it will pattern the plot that was used in the 1955 movie thriller - "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".  It will commence with the 1955 opening, "your claims are to significant with grave consequences to be ignored, we must notify the authorities in Washington at once".  Global Warming Kills, is coming to a Theater near YOU!  Do you Yahoo?.

  6. I think that the oceans will rise as high as your miss informed brain. Put a cap on putting this disinformation on this site and just fade away to your 5th grade education

  7. Right on...

    Seriously, the "problem" is so gradual that it's not worth thinking about. If we knew the water level was going to rise a foot over the next 10 years, that would be bad, but still manageable, considering that there's enough manpower in the world to provide a simple solution:


    Like, DUH. Oh no, the water is rising! What oh what can we possibly do?!?!? Um, well, you might think about taking that water and PUTTING IT SOMEWHERE ELSE. I hear that the GRAND CANYON isn't being used for anything right now...

    I also occasionally hear rumors about these things called droughts and famines -- all because there's NO WATER AVAILABLE!!! Ahahahaha!!!! How freaking funny is that??? Seriously... how difficult is it to take trillions of gallons of water from one place, and put it somewhere else? Gee, we've been doing it with petroleum for decades now. We got plenty of time to deal with this "crisis".

    Although, I must also say... it would be wise for people to not build cities BELOW sea level. That... is just plain retarded.  What happened to New Orleans was inevitable.

  8. the media continuously flips between "global warming is going to result in Armageddon" and global warming is a con. they are just going for better ratings and sensationalism is the best way to get them. that's why i don't rely on newspapers or TV for scientific predictions or proof.

    BTW sea levels rising wont effect most people but it will effect those that live in low lying areas such as deltas. one such countries being Bangladesh.



    for some reason i cant get onto the ICC page so think is from wikipedeia. these predictions are larger then your quoted ones. they will still only relay effect low countries  but these changes are not insignificant.

        * Scenario B1

              o Best estimate temperature rise of 1.8 °C with a likely range of 1.1 to 2.9 °C (3.2 °F with a likely range of 2.0 to 5.2 °F)

              o Sea level rise likely range [18 to 38 cm] (7 to 15 inches)

        * Scenario A1T

              o Best estimate temperature rise of 2.4 °C with a likely range of 1.4 to 3.8 °C (4.3 °F with a likely range of 2.5 to 6.8 °F)

              o Sea level rise likely range [20 to 45 cm] (8 to 18 inches)

        * Scenario B2

              o Best estimate temperature rise of 2.4 °C with a likely range of 1.4 to 3.8 °C (4.3 °F with a likely range of 2.5 to 6.8 °F)

              o Sea level rise likely range [20 to 43 cm] (8 to 17 inches)

        * Scenario A1B

              o Best estimate temperature rise of 2.8 °C with a likely range of 1.7 to 4.4 °C (5.0 °F with a likely range of 3.1 to 7.9 °F)

              o Sea level rise likely range [21 to 48 cm] (8 to 19 inches)

        * Scenario A2

              o Best estimate temperature rise of 3.4 °C with a likely range of 2.0 to 5.4 °C (6.1 °F with a likely range of 3.6 to 9.7 °F)

              o Sea level rise likely range [23 to 51 cm] (9 to 20 inches)

        * Scenario A1FI

              o Best estimate temperature rise of 4.0 °C with a likely range of 2.4 to 6.4 °C (7.2 °F with a likely range of 4.3 to 11.5 °F)

              o Sea level rise likely range [26 to 59 cm] (10 to 23 inches)

    you can find out what each of the codes mean here


    second edit.

    i see what you have done now, you are assuming a constant rate of change over the next 100 + years. that is a logical fallacy because the world in a non linear system. meaning if X=Y then 2X dose not necessary = 2Y. according to your "theory" then earth's oceans will continue rising till the end of time, again a logical fallacy.


    third edit.

    so you are using past data to linearly extrapolate the future? which can not be done in climatic systems because they are not linear systems. so your predictions mean nothing because they make flawed assumptions.

    that data you are using is not the worse case . it is measured changes and what they can be attributed to (i.e. what actually happened). please stop taking data out of context.

  9. Well, I'm watching "Global Warning".   Its a pretty good show.  125,000 years ago sea levels were about 20 ft higher than they are now.  111,500 years ago the last ice age began.  So don't get too comfortable.

    400 years ago there was a short many ice age which is believed to be caused by a decrease in solar activity.

    So yes we are probably due for additional global warming and higher sea levels which will no doubt be followed by another ice age.  And driving SUV's won't keep that from or cause it to happen.

  10. well the figures are increasing - if you expect 3.1mm rises each decade your sadly mistaken - note the increase in rate - so that 9 inches will probably be here in about 50 years or less - 9 inches of sea level rise will cost hundreds of billion of dollars.

  11. I am not disputing you, but I feel you are holding the whole matter in the wrong hands.

    The Sea-level will rise chiefly due to Climate Change or Global Warming - this is a certainity if we keep on adding 'heat' or plunder the world.

    Antartica contains upto 60% of the world's fresh water, Greenland adds 11% to it. That means if if ice in both the regions melts, we will be not only losing 71% of fresh water but also seeing that the sea-level rise by upto 65 feet; drowning all small (and 'flat') islands and  making all coastlines dissappear from the face of earth.

    You know, it will be "WATERWORLD"!

  12. OK, time to throw in a Marine Scientist's cautionary notes here:

    I'm going to give a simplified answer, so bear with me.

    water movement in the ocean by the pull of tides causes a Non-uniform distribution of water across the earth. This is why the Pacific and Atlantic oceans have different sea levels- 8-to 14 foot differences, depending on the location and season. The tides form a standing wave that moves across the earth at the speed close to that of the earth's rotation.(the moon causes most of it, but the sun helps) In shallow areas, that wave can get tall, causing higher tides- this is only one of many contributing factors that cause differing tidal heights and times, but bear with me.

         That massive standing oceanic wave that causes 5-to 40-foot tides in some places, as it crosses the oceans, is only a few millimeters in height. The scale that we're dealing with is almost beyond imagining.

       A massive increase in the volume of the ocean will increase the tidal height proportionately based on the existing tidal height. That is, Low countries (Netherlands, Bangledesh, etc), will experience almost no change, but areas like the Bay of Fundy and parts of Alaska will experience some changes... these areas are hilly anyhow. Even in the worst case, Moderately tidal areas (Long Island, NY, Cape Cod) that are low-lying should experience only moderate tidal increases, which can be dealt with, and are already planned for, in that the coastal infrastructure is set up to deal with storm surges. Some improvements will be necessary, obviously.

    I'm talking worst-case scenario, here, too, so don't throw 30-foot sea level rises in my face. The scientific community threw that garbage out 20 years ago. It's just you people who won't let it die.

  13. 5 feet first round 20 feet the next watch the history channel

  14. The sea has been a lot higher in the past and will be a lot higher in the future.  If humans are affecting the sea level, it isn't by much.

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