
How I can be like Bella Swan?

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I would really like to be like bella swan, and i dyed my hair the rusty brown color that Kristen Stewart has, and i'm really trying to be paler, but i run Cross Country in the hot sun in florida, so it's nearly impossible. any tips, links to clothes, or stuff like that resembles bella??




  1. "Isabella S. (like Bella's last name) f*ck off dear! You look like Bella, but your pride would make her hate you! Who do you think you are? Ha? Bella's twin? You are crazy, love! Just quit reading Twilight for a wile, or i'm gonna see you in a mad house! (And believe me, i wanna see that!) Go f*ck yourself ( if you don't have a dead boyfriend, of course :)) ), dear "Bella!

    As for the one who openned the subject: be yourself and be nice to everyone, that will make you be Bella and would make her be proud of you! :)

  2.  I wonder how old this is. Oh well, anyway, you shoud be yourself to be like Bella Swan. Quite literally- Bella is all about being herself, that's why people are so drawn to her- she emodies individuality. She is her own person, so much so that she is disconnected -different- from every other human being, resulting in her ability to prohibit her thoughts from others. This is perhaps not the answer you wanted, but it is the truth. Also, to the lovely girl who wrote she looks identical to Bella Swan- which, granted, you may fit Stephanies description (however, Stephenie's description included straight hair), but I don't feel as though Bella would come off that strong, nor would she want to draw attention to herself in that manner, and unless you're hanging out with the undead or boys who turn into monsterous wolves, you're still just a normal, real life girl. Have a good day :)

  3. Oh my gosh, I can't believe the girl that wrote: you can't be Bella Swan, because I am. She is completely stuck up, pretentious, and completely wrong about thinking that she is exactly like Bella Swan. So what if she might look like Bella Swan? A lot of people do, and she's very lucky to look like Bella, but she is wrong about acting like her. She says "so ha!" and makes fun of you, is rude, and laughs at you for wanting to be like Bella. But just forget her because she's just some jerk that wants you to not succeed. I want you to succeed because I want to be like Bella too! Here:

    1. Be clumsy: Remember, Bella is very clumsy and tends to trip alot! If you are already clumsy (like me) then that's not a problem, but if you aren't then try to make your little (emphases on the little) trips look real and natural. Don't try too hard or else you could get hurt and noone wants that!

    2. Get good grades: Bella is very smart, and always gets good grades. Remember this shouldn't have to be on the list! You should try hard, anyway, to get good grades because it's vital to your present and future, just think of this as a little motivation!

    3. Don't gloat: Remember what I wrote about Bella being smart? Well you should also know that as a side to that, she doesn't brag about it ever! If someone asks her what her grade is she might say something like, "um... 100%" or whatever good grade she got, and would try to change the subject back to what her other friend was talking about. If she noticed that the friend who asked her looks upset she might say somthing like, "what did you get?" and then if the grade was bad she might say, "that's not that bad." or something else supportive, and then would try to change the subject by complimenting her friend on her shirt or shoes or something.

    4. Don't be loud: Bella is never loud! She is always very calm and subtle with everything she has. She is also very quiet, and when she is upset with her friends she will try to cover it up. If she is upset with somebody who has been mean or rude to her, and isn't her friend, she will still be quiet but will let them know that she is irritated or hurt by staying subtle, for example she might say, "Well that kind of hurt my feelings." or "Well, actually, I am kind of upset. I mean that kind of upset me when you..."

    5. Don't try to get noticed: Once you begin to look and act like Bella don't try to get noticed by being loud or trip in front of the whole class, just be quiet and modest like Bella and on your own you will get noticed for being like her, I promise!

    6. Hair: Bella doesn't seem to realize how lucky she is to have hair like hers! She has a thick, lustrious, head of hair that is never looks bad! First dye your hair chestnut brown. Bella has a very naturaly look to it, so don't do it unless you know it will look good! If you know it will look horrible then don't do it, and keep your hair it's natural color, or dye it as dark a color as possible without it looking bad besides red or black. After that, curl your hair. Now this is based off what a million other sites have said: get a 1-inch curling iron and divide your hair into sections, then wrap your hair around and hold it for a minute. After it should be a nice but naturaly curl. Same goes for curls, if doesn't look good don't do it, but if you insist on having it like Bella's then this is what you should do: put your hair in braids and sleep with them like that all night. The more and smaller the braids, the more unatural they look so do one or two big braids.

    7. Clothes (finally): Now Bella is a very plain dresser. She wears long sleeve shirts and boot leg jeans almost everyday. If you live somewhere with a hot climate then dress comfortably, like t-shirts that puff like in the scene where Bella is in the cafeteria being invited to "la push" beach. She wears a puffed brown shirt. Remember all her clothes are very plain and feminin, and are always the kind that shape to her body, and show how thin she is. She also wears blue jeans, never grey, black, white, red, purple or any color! Always blue jeans from light blue to dark blue. She also wears sneakers mostly, or boots. If you love your uggs then they will be fine, but make sure to mix it up with sneakers occasionaly. Bella doesn't really wear sweaters except for her brown sweater, so just get a simple brown sweater and a green sweater (from New Moon).  She really wears jackets more, so make sure you have the classic blue jacket and a tan or beige raincoat like she does. For sleeping she just wears the casual brown or green tank top, or white tshirt.

    8. Likes: Bella really likes the classics like: Romeo & Juliet, Wuthering Heights, Sense & Sensibility (a personal favorite of mine, movie and book), and many more classics. She ofter quotes them in her mind but you don't have to. You shouldn't read all the books if your not interested, but get at least the basic idea of them. She also loves hot and warm climates, and loves to let the sun embrace her so if you live in a cold, damp area make sure you act as if you detest the cold and rain. If you live in a hot area, act as if you love the sun (I don't know maybe you do!). She also likes nature and likes to take walks and to be outside even if the weather isn't exactly what she was hoping for. She likes to cook dinner so get in on that too! If you can't then ask your mom or dad to teach you, or start looking up recipies and try them out! If you don't want to then don't do it, because thats not the biggest part of her life! She likes to finish her homework on time and doesn't mind helping out by doing the laundry. If your parents are a little suspicious of your sudden urge to do all your homework and do the laundry and to cook just say that you want to help out a little and you realize how important your grades are, and for cooking just say that you've always been interested or you've always kind of liked it.

    9. Dislikes: Bella hates the cold and wet, so don't go out into the rain and start dancing your pants off (that sounded kind of weird in my head). Act like you hate it and rush through it when it is raining! Bella also hates ignorant, stuck up, selfish and protentious people, so she makes sure she blends in with the right crowd without making the rude person upset because she knows that there is no reason to hurt peoples feelings. She doesn't seem to crazy about her dad and his ways, but she still loves him and can't deny that. She doesn't like to call her dad "dad" but instead "Charlie." Call your dad, "dad' to his face but call him by his name when talking to your friends. Bella's parents are divorced so you have a perfect opening, and Bella does have a favorite parent so just take your mom's side. If it is reverse with your parents just do the same thing only switch your mom and dad. Of course you don't need to do this.

    10.  Where to shop: Old Navy, Aeropostale (for only certain things), basically the mall is the number one place to go. I can't say in particular because I am still planning my trip to the mall (maybe I will see you there and not even realize haha.) so I have some links, these are really helpful, and I've used them about a billion times so enjoy, hope this helped and good luck!


  4. In realation to Guest19809822 comment most teenage girls are likely to see themselves in Bella because she is suppose to be the average teenge girl that we all know and sometimes are. And to the girl who originally posted the question about how to be be more like Bella Swan I would have but one suggestion, (much like everyone else) just go for her style, don't loose who you are.  =]


  5. Guest19809822 - You have officially taken the word obsessed to a completely different level. In your haste, you forgot that Bella has an above average GPA. Meaning, that she doesn't type like the average teen girl with horrible grammer and writing skills. Also instead of running around bragging that you're "exactly" like a fictional character, why don't you just live your life being yourself?     Ps. Lay off the fiction novels for a little while... They're warping your sense of reality. :)

  6. Guest19809822  You're not her if your bragging and telling others how you are because thats the complete opposite of bella, and to be truthful i think you just made your whole story up.  

  7.  ookkayyy can i just say that the first " guest " that wrote , "isabella " , yub , shes such a biitchh !!

    i mean seriouslyy ," You can't be Bella Swan because I am already her :)Here are the reason why am already Bella Swan.I am not lying in the following text so you should read it and literally weep."

    shes arogent self centered conceited , and she has noo tact wat so ever , being bella isnt just looks with the hair and skin and wat ever , but most imp its being selfless like her , and tactfull and helpfull , she didnt even want to say she finished her H.W because she didnt want to brag , soo seriouslyy , u better have a personality check if u want to be like bella

  8. You can't be Bella Swan because I am already her :)Here are the reason why  am already Bella Swan.I am not lying in the following text so you should read it and literally weep.

    Well my hair is a dark rusty brown that has a red glow in the sunlight and I didn't dye mine.And its the same length as Bella Swan's and its naturally curly like hers too! And my name is actually isabella but i go by Bella instead and my last name begins with an "S" just like Bella Swan's last name.And I look exactly like Bella Swan! I mean ask me friends they said so.And once this group of girls came up to me asking for autographs because they thought I was kristen stewart just in the role of bella swan.And once this waitress at a restraunt kept staring at me so when she came to take my plates from me and my mom i asked her why she kept staring at me and she said because i look exactly like bella swan and she took a picture of me to show the people she knew.And I am as skinny as her.As pale as her,ha i don't need to wear sun lotion.And people say i even act like me my friends went on about it for weeks on almost no end!

    And where I live is super rainy,cloudy,and stormy.And its extremely forest invested and its also in vested with lots of wildlife.And its so small people should call it a town not a city.And the "town" i live in starts with an "F" like forks.And just like forks where i live is located by canada and huge body of water that can show up on the world map.

    Also i have the exact same personality as her.I am shy,accident prone,clumsy to no end,i am a suffer in silence type,i am stubborn,i'm quiet,i hate my picture being taken,i don't like attention,i toss and turn and talk in my sleep,i love to cook,i am a bookworm,i'm not athletic,i am not real muscular,i am kinda uncoordinated like her,i use big words like her,i hate parties,i hate big corwds,i hate attention,i am big on eating healthy foods lie her,i hate parties,i suck at dancing like her,i love the warmth and light of the sun,and the smell,look,or even talking about blood or anything inside the human body makes me not feel good,faint,get dizzy,or throw up.And i zone out alot so when that happens my friends snap me back to life,gym is my own personal h**l on earth,i suck at dancing,and i am a terrible liar,speaking of accident prone and being clumsy i get hurt around 25-40 times a week,fall down 20-30 times a day,and trip around 15 times a day.So yeah i am like the most clutzy person anyone will ever meet.And I have the same bedrrom as Bella Swan and i have tons of the same clothes as her too!And i dress like her.And i hate girly girl things and i get self concious alot like her too!And just like Bella Swan i was in ballet and sucked like her too!And just like her i have a nrevous habit of biting my lips and finger nails.And i love weithering heights and romeo and juliet like her and have read them 56 times each.And again just like her i handle weird situations very well.

    And i happen to have a friend named jacob who is 2 years younger than me and indian decended just like the jacob in twilight no joke.And i have a friend named Angela like bella and she looks alot like the
    angela in twilight.And i have friends named jessica,tyler,luaren,and mike.And my parents look alot like Bella Swan's parents renee and charlie.And my mom's middle name is renee and she kinda likes it when i call her renee and not her first name so i call my mom renee just like Bella Swan.

    And my dad kind of has a job like a police officder but not qutie exactly but very very very close to what a police officer does.And my parents have been fight very often lately very severely and there is a chance they will divorce and my mom even said if that does happen we might move to pheonix,arizona.And before I leave I swear to my life I AM NOT LYING!! OH AND I ALSO HAVE THE SAME HANDWRITING AS BELLA SWAN AGAIN...NO JOKE!

    So ha i am the most like bella swan anyone will ever be!Yep so you should have now read it and wept! :}

  9. be your selfe, once i tried to be like Bella and i lost my best friend and most of my other freinds . usaully i wish i could just turn back time.
    that day i was so sad, i didnt even have to try not to cosentrate on falling , i just couldnt help myselfe i was so lonely but now i have a couple of good freinds and  will never do the same again. although i still really like Bella swan but i just dont wanna hurt  my freinds the same way as i did cause now my best freind is like a worst enimie to me and i hate that...
    also bella swan is just pretend so you dont wanna pretent to be someone you are not.
    dont do it if you love your freinds the way  i DID!!!

  10. Also there is good things about Bella Swan. I heard she is nice and loyal to her friends. So thats a good thing to admire. So there is nothing wrong having Bella Swan as a role model, only if YOU! are happy being almost like her. I mean no one can be exactly like her, every one is different. But also be you do what you like. Like i said earlier. dont do it cause she is famous and all the guys like her or her soul mate is Edward Cullen. Like if you love converse shoes but all the girls in your grade has high heels shoes dont get them cause every one else has them. Get them only when you like them. There is nothing wrong about a change but ONLY if you like them. Not cause every one else has them. You want people notice you not someone that you are not. Do what you a happy with.

  11. haveing a role modle is not bad. It is okay to look up to someone. But be yourself too! Do something that you like. not because she is famouse or her sole mate is Edward Cullen.

  12. Hey, people leave her alone.. It's a free world after all.

    Just go on this site, it helped me alot..


    or just go on both..

    Shh.. I did! :)

  13. First, why would you want to be someone else? If we were all the same the world would be very boring.

    Second, horrible role model. Depressing, whiny, and so needy.

    If you don't want to have your own personality and be a drone, why not be someone more independent and happy?

  14. you guys are jerks
    i want to be like bella too
    ok hun
    so just google it and there are tona of options
    and its ok to want to be exactly like someone else,i know i do
    it just means u dont really have a style yet
    thats ok

  15. Gosh, all these harsh answers. Let the girl do what she wants to do! Heres my answer sweetie (:

    Bella's hair is reddish brown, so invest in dyeing it like a medium auburn color. Wear simple clothes, like just a nice blouse and jeans. Dont wear pinks or bright colors, she doesnt like to be noticed. Dont wear too much make-up (Bella wears no make-up at all) but if you absoultley need make up, Just wear foundation and some brown eyeliner or mascara, stay away from black. I suggest if you want to be pale, put on sun block before you go outside. Bella isnt sporty, but if you like being in cross country, then go right ahead. Be inteligent, carry a book around with you. Bella is really nice, so be nice to people, even when your about ready to kill them. Bella is really shy also, but if your not shy, and just bubbly, dont change that about your self. Dont be boy crazy, bella isnt even close to boy crazy, if you really like a guy, dont show it.

    Oh and P.s people, (More reffered to the person above me) Bella isnt albino, she was being sarcastic you fruit.

    I hope i helped (:

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