
How I can find UC Math lessons on the internet? are the available?

by Guest67199  |  earlier

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Math, Education, Kids, skills




  1. UC Berkeley and UC Davis have lectures on iTunes U.  I don't know if there are any math lessons on there and, if there were, I would think they would be hard to follow without seeing the problems being actually worked out in class.

  2. I did research your question a bit before deciding to answer, but I have to agree with the first answer, very difficult to follow math lessons without seeing the problems being worked.  I am sure you want to know about YOUTUBE or something similar, but there aren't any that I could find that are UC specific.  As for other disciplines, such as Education, Kids, skills, as you mention, sure, absolutely, there are Internet related lessons, but why does it have to be UC specific?  UC can accept a number of credits from other sources if you are trying to get your degree through UC.  UC Santa Cruz offers some courses that I way and likely transfer easily.  UC Davis might also, as I saw something on their Calculus page during my research.  Good luck.

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