
How I can restore my credit history?

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I had some account sitting on my credit history as charged off, since 01, if I get a secure card now and pay on time etc, can I improve my score? or I cant till they fall off? does they change my FICO every month due to bad accounts or its already been a fix score now?




  1. If you can get your hands on something, paying it off on time will help.  Your FICO score will continuously change as your creditors update them with information.  If you live in the US, you are guaranteed 1 free copy of your credit report (not score) from each of the major companies.  You can take your info and put it into a FICO calculator.  Sites that use them are somewhat accurate.  Your FICO score though differs from each of the major bureaus though slightly.  So it isn't an exact science.  Your Transunion score can be 10 - 20 pts different from your Experian score.  Just as if you never had any credit before, just start with something small, don't max out the card (try to use less than 30%, if not 10%) and pay it on time.

  2. Read this artilce on repairing your credit, they list several tips on how to do so.

  3. You can use credit repair agency to fix your credit - for example this one - - They can clean lots of bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster than yourself, so your credit will go up fast.

  4. Try here:

    Good luck

  5. What you do is give the credit corporation or bay corp, who ever deals with bad credit history in your country and ask them what records they have in your name and you would like to clear this as mistakes have been made in the past. And I would like to better things by getting credit in the future, but when they check me out this problem pops up. So can I clean up at your end and have a clean slate please. Being that you have gone to the source who deals with records of your credit history, you have taken charge and showed some effort in being straight up. This helps as Ive been there before and it worked for me. In New Zealand  you used to be black listed for five years at least, but now they clear it straight away as long as those debts are paid. Try this and see how you go. Speak to them with good manner and the right tone of voice. Robbie

  6. i went to this site, . the company really helped me out with a my low score

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