
How I can return a motorcycle because I can't pay anymore?

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How I can return a motorcycle because I can't pay anymore?




  1. ring the dearler u got it from,depending on many factors[age/usage/condition/moneys paid/own....] depends on whether they will take it back...

  2. Letting it be stolen seems like a decent idea. Get some decent insurance first and wait a few months :)

  3. take it to mexico

  4. You have to sell it. You can theoretically sell it back to whomever you bought it from, but it is doubtful that they will give you what you owe. Remember, you most likely owe a bank and NOT the dealer who sold you the bike. That being said, the bank is the one you need to deal with.

  5. Post it up on craigslist or some classifieds so you are able to pay off your debt. There is no 'return'.

  6. As a last resort, take it back to them and hand them the keys.  Its called a voluntary repossession.  See if that flies in your state..

  7. You have to sell it for as much money as you can to be able to pay the bank off and if you don't sell it for as much as you paid for it, then you have to pay the remainder out of your own pocket.

    You also can find a buyer who'll take over the payments and lose nothing except for what you put into it.

    You don't want to get it repossessed because your credit will go bad.

  8. wow ur dumb for even asking that question

  9. It's called a repo. Don't do it. Try to sell it first.

  10. ... If I understand correctly, you want to return your motorcycle...

    You can't.  The only way is to sell it.

  11. Just keep doing what your doing now. They will come and pick it up for you.

  12. If you care about your credit rating, sell the bike and pay off your loan.

    If you don't care about your credit rating, stop paying for the bike and ride it until it is repossessed.

    If you can't pay temporarily, contact the bank and see if you can work something out short-term until your finances improve and you can get back on a payment schedule.

  13. you have 4 options one is to sell the bike or work out a take over payment deal. two repo where they take the take the bike sell it and your suck with the left over money owed and it on your credit report for 10yrs

    three voluntary repo where you call the bank you owe the money to and tell them you would like to turn the bike over to them allot of times they will try to work with you. If they do take the bike back they will sell it and you owe for whats left on the loan. In some cases if they sell it for more than what you owe you will get some money back but it is not likely. That only stays on your credit report for 5 yr after pay off.

    and the Fourth is file for bankruptcy and the law will tell you what happens from there. that sticks with you for ten year from file date.

    try to sell the bike or get someone to take over payments

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