
How I convince my boyfriend that we should wait to have children?

by Guest60658  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I have been together for several years. He is self-employed and gets paid relatively well. I, on the other hand, don't make a lot and I have been hoping to go back to school so that I can make more money. He's about 3 years older than I am. I just think that we should wait to have more money saved up. He has money saved up but wants to buy a house really soon. I really think he should concentrate on that for the time being.

He keeps telling me that he wants to settle down and start a family. I just don't think the timing is right and I tell him that constantly.




  1. if you are married and he makes a good income that is one thing, if you are just boy friend and girl friend if one of you decide to go bye bye and there is nothing legal there, the other person can not get child support.  Think about the children and not yourself.  Just tell him you need some solid proof that he will be around for a while and a ring and a wedding is good proof.  just remember boy friends come and go and a real husband will be around for a while

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