
How I do convince my own family

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Lol, okay so this might sound a little weird! But I'm going camping this weekend. And I'm not much of aa TENT camping person! I don't mind trailers but not tent. A lot of my family is going..and they all are hardcore country people. So, they love to do this kind of stuff. I haven't seen them in a longggg time and I don't want them to think that I'm a prissy snob that hates camping. What should I do to seem more like I'm enjoying it. Cause that side of my family IS pretty judgmental and so they'll think a lot of things

Please Help!




  1. I agree with Melisa T. Just try to make yourself as comfortable as possible with out bringing too much stuff.  If there won't be a place or a way for you to shower, there are portable camping showers that you heat up in the sun, also, I have used rinse-less Shampoo, no kidding! I used it when I went to boot camp!  Bring some of your favorite foods (within reason of course).  Check out your local camping/hunting supply store and you might find that there are a lot of realy cool things that could make your stay in the woods more comfortable.You can find things such as hand warmers that when exposed to air heat up, toss one of those in your sleeping bag and your set! I don't know how hard-core your camping trip is going to be but another trick I learned is that if you have to go to the bathroom but don't want to squat you can find a fallen tree or tree branch and sit on that for support.  Don't want to sit on a bare branch? Bring newspapers to put over the bark, it's biodegradable! Just try to make yourself comfortable and maybe even make a game of it.  Bring your Camera to remember the good times (and to show your friends all of the crazy things you had to do with your crazy family)

    Good luck, and perhaps you'll find some beauty in nature that will make it worth it!

  2. I completely understand.  I have never figured out why people want to leave civilization to go sleeping on a hard, cold ground in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by bugs, bears and god knows what else.

    I need a shower.  I need my own bathroom.  I do not feel the urge to squat near a bush, hoping nothing will A.) Crawl where it shouldn't crawl or B.) jump up and bite where it shouldn't bite.

    Anyhoo, if I were in a position like yours I would have to say that I would suck it up and just do it.  I'd prep myself for it the best way I could.  I'd go to Target and buy a tent, an air mattress, a means for blowing up the mattress (not electrical, duh!) and lots and lots of bug spray.  That way you won't be on the ground.  Go, listen to them laugh at you for blowing up a mattress, but just be assured that in the morning you will be the rested one, not the sore one.

    Now, if we're talking a week of camping, no, I wouldn't do it. I'd go for say a weekend, but no longer.  

    Good luck but just grin and try to bear it!  (Not with a real bear, though!)

  3. you seem pretty young, but this shouldn't that foreign of an idea...

    be OPEN MINDED about your experience in the woods.

    You know when your annoyed that the bugs are biting you? when you have good cell phone service and can't txt a million people?  when you have a normal not stinky toilet to do your business? I'm being stereotypical but you know what i mean i'm sure...whenever you have these experience or even BEFORE that you have to have an open mind about them, about your time there.  When you really think about you make your own fun whenever you do things, so you just have to do that in the woods :p  I'm sure if you try, you'll find things you like to do when you go camping, and then you can focus on the good things and attempt to ignore the bad.  

    A meaner way to say what i just said is...


    good luck girl!


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