
How IN THE WORLD could Prince Charles of loved that carmella over Princess Diana??

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Diana was so much more compassionate, sweeter, and prettier.

What's with that carmilla [however you spell her name]

what WAS it about poopy carmella in chuckies eyes?




  1. Charles always loved Camilla, he just wasn't allowed to marry her. Diana did comment before she died that she wished "Charles would make an honest woman out of her."

    They came from the same world and understood each other. They have the same interests.

    ALL MEN want the same thing, even a prince, they are attracted to what they can't have, like a 9th cousin.

    You say Diana was more compassionate, sweeter, and prettier. She had a very dark side the public didn't see. She probably didn't understand Charles, hence her compassion didn't apply to him. And Charles probably would want a wiley, witty, and well-experienced lover, not a sweet and innocent virgin that his family did.

    Similarly I think we are due for another Duke of Windor with either William or Harry. William, I feel, doesn't want to be king.

    I wish Camilla and Charles the best, the boys, and Diana. They're all tragic figures of public scutiny they were born or died in. Charles should have been able to pick his bride from the get-go!

  2. Love is blind and Prince Charles sounds like an idiot to me.

    Another thing I don't understand is how come the Queen was so against Diana. I don't know much about the British royal family, but from what I do know it seems like Princes William and Harry are the only decent ones in the bunch.

  3. Official Wife tradition of arranged/political/breeding marriages and the chosen Mistress or Chosen Wife or second wife situation, which was a common thing in polygamous countries.

    Same thing really.

  4. If you had ever heard the private telephone conversation between the two of them that was taped in secret and then made public - then you would know EXACTLY what it is that BigEars found attractive about the married woman of one of his friends that was so much more exciting than the young wife that he and his kind lined up as a brood mare to produce his heirs.

    Lets just say that involved HRH wishing he was an item of female sanitary wear so that he could find himself in the simlar place that such an article would normally find itself.


  5. The main attraction of a man to woman is the sexual pleasure he got from her rather than her beauty and age.

    Here, I believe he got the best s*x from Camilla than Diana.

    More over I think Diana was interested in other men also.

  6. good point

  7. maybe he thought he has more in common with carmella....

  8. When you grow up and find someone that you really love you will understand.

    Love is not based on how pretty someone is or how they dress.  

    As for Diana being compassionate..she was in the position to be so.  It beat working for a living.  It was also a PR exercise.  

    Charles obviously loves Camilla, and she obviosly loves him.  Isn't that what really matters?

  9. I've often marvelled at this and you know what? It means that there is still true love in this world. People can love a person for who they are and not what they look like which is wonderful, to be honest.

  10. How did he marry Diana in the first place ?????

  11. It's all about Charles's inferiority complex. He must have thought that diana is more beauty than he hold.. so he went for parker.....

    I'd say a foolish decision!!!

  12. Well Prince Charles is butt ugly himself so is bloody Camilla!!  So two butt ugly idiots make one big heap of s@#$.

  13. that is a mystery that will plague us all for years to come.  He didn't love her OVER Diana, he was long since divorced from Diana for reasons that may only be known to them...However, point still being, nobody knows why he chose her...must have his reasons though....

  14. better blow jobs

  15. Well I think Camellia is a FOX. and diane just ok.  Besides the fact the man who knew both of them better than anyone else set Diana out to the curb with the garbage.

  16. She is soo UGLY. I cannot believe that he chose that ugly woman but hey he was ungrateful and jealous of her beauty and smartness. Cheers for DI. We love her.

  17. Maybe for the same reasoning that prevented Queen Elizabeth's  sister Margaret from marrying her true love. His name was Townsend. She married Snowden, it eventually ended in divorce and she died a few years ago. Who knows what goes on in the politics, etc. of the royal family.

    Charles has apparently always loved Camilla.

  18. Did you meet Diana to have that opinion or are you a victim of the beat up by the media? Have you ever met Camilla? Why don't you like her? Same thing or do you believe exactly what you read in the press, instead of thinking for yourself?

  19. well, at least they have one thing in common- UGLINESS

  20. Before I answer,  I have a question for you.... Are you married ?

  21. She was closer to his age, they had more in common, and he loved her first.

  22. You've hit the nail on the head. PRETTIER!!!  That's why everyone can't believe that Charles loved Camilla and not Diana. Jeez, I feel pity for you if all you'll ever see is how pretty and sweet someone is.

    Charles and Camilla met long ago, long before he met Diana. They have a lot in common, probably "soulmates". And BTW, Camilla was actually quite pretty when young, she just aged, which would have happened to Diana as well if she hadn't died. And of course she never had the obsession that Diana had with being groomed and looking pretty for the media...

  23. Well charles and camilla are the same age, both are hideous and sour. They are both divorcees. I think Diana was too good for charles that he didn't even appreciate her.

  24. As I remember it was more presure that he married Diana than love. He allways loved Camilla but his mother didn't want him to marry her. So he searched a simple girl he could controle and which would be loved of his mother and the country!  He used her that time! She was a great choise! Wasn't she?

  25. Good grief! You love who you love, it's not based on looks or even personality, it's about a person's innermost private feelings.

    Based on your attitude, only good looking people with plenty of money and good dress sense would ever find someone to love them.

    Lucky you aren't in charge of love!

    Cheers :-)

  26. It has to be love. There's no other way any man could prefer Camilla over Princess Diana.

  27. Good question.  Camilla is DOG ugly!!

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