
How Is It possible for a person to obtain a job with a Felony on there record?

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My finance' has a recent felony from two years ago on his record and both he and I are having no luck finding him a job in Southern California... Is there anyone out there experiencing the same issues?




  1. He can find a job. Just not a lot of them.

    A Felony is a major event. Most people will never trust him again.  

  2. Yes, I am in the same situation. He had a decent job but they got laid off and since then he has been trying to find another one. So my advice is this, try family owned businesses. It is possible for him to go to school and get a trade. Try temp agencies. Also try going to local church's they may have a position for him. Honestly he may have to settle for a low paying job until something better comes along. If he has mechanical skills then that is an option as well. Unfortunately the state of our economy doesn't help, he is competing with laid off workers so it's going to be twice as hard to find a job. People are so ignorant. If a person is searching for a job they are obviously wanting to change. But people feel like because a person has a record means that they are a bad person. There are alot of murderers and rapists running around who haven't been caught and are pretending to be good people. But yes, I totally understand the frustration.  

  3. Honesty is best policy...let employers know...h**l a little weed smoking is in a lot of peoples may not be that big a deal if he is honest...good luck

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