
How Is My SAT Score?

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CR - 570

Math - 600

Writing - 710

TOTAL - 1880




  1. to judge your score add your first two scores and compare to 1600

    i took the test when they first added the essay ( class of 06)

    CR 570

    MAT 660

    WR 640

    TOTAL 1870

    but since i took it in the first round they were probably less strict in the scoring because i have horrible writing skills so if i were in shoes i probably would have gotten a 300 on the writing

    note: some colleges now use your writing score for admission purposes

  2. I would say maybe a smidge over average, except for you writing score- that's really good. I would say you did a little better than average.

  3. In Writing you did very well.

    In Math and Critical Reading you did average-good.

    Your overall score is average-good too. Mostly, people want to reach a 2100.

  4. pretty average...won't get you into the Ivies though

  5. You did very well. Most colleges donnt look at the writing.

  6. thats just about average. your writing score is above average though. overall: pretty good, not too bad.

  7. it's a lil above average.
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