
How Is The Quality Of HD-DVD?

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i already own a blu-ray player and have a 1080p tv. i know hddvd is obsolete but how is the picture quality on it.




  1. i wouldnt know i only have digital and thats way better than your normal tv so im guessing HD would be even better.

  2. Crisp and clean, almost Identical to Blue ray.  HD movies are not obsolete, blue ray is awesome and if you already have a setup in place, i would keep it.  If someone was getting a new setup I would suggest HD, b/c of cost and movie selection.  In about a year blue ray should be able to match or even surpass HD, but not yet.

  3. there are so many variables that go into the picture quality of a movie that the format, in this case, is mostly negligable in terms of technical specs.  the big difference between blu-ray and hd-dvd is that blu-ray uses a blue laser (hence the name) to read data stored on the disc.  because this blue laser is so much thinner than a standard red laser (which hd-dvd uses) it can read a smaller area of the disc at any given time...which basically translates into this: blu-ray and hd-dvd do the exact same thing, but blu-ray can hold double or triple the amount of data that hd-dvd can (depending on the number of layers).

    if you can hold more data, there is less need to compress that data: in this case, a movie file.

    compression always equals a loss of quality.  so:

    blu-ray = less compression = less loss of quality.  

    however, blu-ray and hd-dvd both display at the same resolutions, so one is not "sharper" than the other in those terms.  blu-ray discs also have more space for sound, which also benefits from less compression.

    but, if the manufacturer doesn't take care (espesically with older movies) to meticulously remaster a film when it is transferred from the original negative to a digital version, the picture will look bad on either format.  ever notice how one movie on dvd looks great, while another appears washed out or blurry, though both are on the same type of disc?  mastering makes all the difference, but there are so many technical details and terms that go into digital film mastering that i wouldn't know where to begin.

  4. I have read that the difference between the two technologies in terms of picture and sound quality is negligible [assuming both are playing the same content - eg 1080p and uncompressed 7.1 ch audio].

  5. Its great picture and better then blu - ray but blu - ray picture is more exciting, more detailed

  6. I dont know about statistics but its pretty good.. i have HD and you can see teh difference... its highly recommended

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