Hey, I'm 15, male, trying to build muscle mass. I weigh 122 pounds and I'm 5'6. My BMR is 1,425. Here's my meal plan:
Breakfast: 2 boiled egg whites, 1 sunny side-up egg with yolk on wheat bread, oatmeal, and an orange
Snack: Avocado sandwich on wheat bread, with various vegetables, and a banana separately, and a scoop of Whey protein mixed with water and all natural peanut butter.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with mustard and tomatoes on wheat bread, and some fruit
Pre-Workout Meal: Oatmeal, 2 boiled egg whites, Ensure (protein drink), fruit, and a multivitamin
Right before workout: Scoop of Whey mixed with water
Post-Workout Meal: Scoop of Whey protein mixed with water, 2 baked potatoes and some trail mix with a scoop of Whey protein
Dinner: Brown rice with skinless chicken, a baked potato, and fruit
I also have 8 cups of water throughout the day
Before Bed: Scoop of Casein mixed with milk, banana, and a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter
1) Are there any improvements I can make?
2) Will this keep me out of a catabolic state?
3) Is it alright that my diet was first a 2,000 calorie diet and I switched to this soon after?