
How Is This Meal Plan (10 points)?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm 15, male, trying to build muscle mass. I weigh 122 pounds and I'm 5'6. My BMR is 1,425. Here's my meal plan:

Breakfast: 2 boiled egg whites, 1 sunny side-up egg with yolk on wheat bread, oatmeal, and an orange

Snack: Avocado sandwich on wheat bread, with various vegetables, and a banana separately, and a scoop of Whey protein mixed with water and all natural peanut butter.

Lunch: Turkey sandwich with mustard and tomatoes on wheat bread, and some fruit

Pre-Workout Meal: Oatmeal, 2 boiled egg whites, Ensure (protein drink), fruit, and a multivitamin

Right before workout: Scoop of Whey mixed with water

Post-Workout Meal: Scoop of Whey protein mixed with water, 2 baked potatoes and some trail mix with a scoop of Whey protein

Dinner: Brown rice with skinless chicken, a baked potato, and fruit

I also have 8 cups of water throughout the day

Before Bed: Scoop of Casein mixed with milk, banana, and a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter

1) Are there any improvements I can make?

2) Will this keep me out of a catabolic state?

3) Is it alright that my diet was first a 2,000 calorie diet and I switched to this soon after?




  1. I think you might be taking in a bit too much protein in the form of (20 gram?) protein drinks, and that could lead to kidney stones or uric acid deposits (gout). On non workout days maybe you should cut back on the protein drinks a bit.

    Also, before workouts take a hit of simple carbs like maltodextrins so you have the glycemic energy your cells need to work out, and save the protein drink for after- or mid-workout recovery.

    But do keep the bedtime protein drink, sleep time is generally catabolic and taking in some protein just before sleep will help retain muscle (its carbs you want to avoid at bedtime to avoid adding fat, not protein. Casein is especcially good at night since it digests slower than whey.).

    Otherwise this sounds like a great diet.

  2. wow, that is a very healthy diet, a great mix of protein and fiber, this diet will defineltly help you add muscle mass, it should keep you out of a catabolic state and i'm sure it is fine that you swicthed to this diet plan soon after you were on a 2,000 calories plan. Good luck

  3. i am always an advocate of more leafy greens and green veggies in general.  for example, your dinner has no veggies.  The main course in your dinner should be a huge salad.  They say about a pound of salad per day will fill you up.  I never could eat close to that much but I do try.

  4. im amazed on some of the pples answers..why answer a bodybuilding question if they dont know sht u time they should read UR GAINING MASS lol...yes ur diet u increased i see adding the peanut butter great long as each serving is 1tblsp i was told no more than 3tbsp a day of it by a bodybuilder at my moms gym for some reason idr but i listened great before bed shake thatll keep u going while ur asleep and ur post workout u have two sweet potatoes? that's good and yea 1 scoop of whey lol ur size post workout u want 30g carbs 30g protein aim for that same with preworkout for best intensity so ur pre workout meal might be a bit large idk ur not listing portion sizes but if u can stomach it it's fine..otherwise ur diet looks great im gonna steal it lol good luck

  5. This sounds really good, except for the part about what you eat right before bed. This will make you gain fat instead of muscle.

    The last meal you eat should be three hours before you go to bed.

    if you just want to gain weight, not muscle then eat fattier foods - but if you want to look more strong and buffed you should be working out at the gym (lifting weights, ect.)

    If you work out, right after you do eat a small healthy snack that will keep your metabolism running healthily.

    your calorie intake everyday should be 1,800 - 2,200 everyday!

    hope i helped.!

  6. its healthy.

    ur meal planner is better than mine.

    my meal planner is...

    breakfast-korean food

    lunch-korean food

    dinner-korean food.

    lol. yah. my parents make me eat rice.

  7. Well, your meal plan is great, as near as I can tell, depending on portion size, of course.

    But whey with water tastes like c**p. Have you tried milk? It has better taste, more protein, and calcium, which you also need.

    And multivitamins are best taken in the morning. You can take another one after post-workout.

    I can't imagine you being catabolic, eating so much assuming your workout program is good.

    As for question #3, it doesn't really matter, today is a new day. If anything all these newfound nutrients will now accelerate your growth, if you've been too low before.

    Just don't get fat :P

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