
How Jesus answered this question " Show us thy God, and we will become Jews?

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How Jesus answered this question " Show us thy God, and we will become Jews?




  1. Nobody ever asked Jesus that question.  He was, by the way, a Torah-observant Jew, as were all His disciples.  And He never told them to start a new religion, but to go out into the world and spread the Good News of the Jewish Messiah.


  2. That question is not in the Bible. Jesus is God in the flesh. Followers of Jesus are Christians, not Jews. The Jew are God's chosen people.

  3. Perhaps if you cite your source, people could research and their answers would be more helpful to you.

  4. Time rushes towards the dawning of a Golden age wherein Love, Truth and Peace will reign in the hearts of all mankind, humanity will be purified and all will be as One is Spirit.

    Time for struggle, and battling to rid ourselves of the chains of hatred, fear and ignorance that bind and enslave each mortal.

    Then the One Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient God will be manifest in the world.

  5. Stop using the KJB and truth will be much easier.

    In Matthew 5 Rabi Jesus says that he is "not here to start a new religion, but to fix the Jewish one!  The Christians up to 305/6 were all obeying these words of Jesus and obeying all of the 313 Commandments! Then 29 men decided to make up a religion that would not take so much effort; they named it Catholic. And far less effort has been given to God since!

    The Bible also says in 550 places that God is God and Jesus is Jesus.

    Like Jesus  said " Why do you call me 'good', I am not good, only God is good."   When God said "This is my son" - do you believe that Jesus was only being a ventriloquist? Think!

  6. no1 asked Jesus that...

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