
How Jockey Index works in spread greyhound betting?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Jockey Index is another bet offered by the spread greyhound betting. I would like to know how, Jockey Index works in spread greyhound betting? Please specify.




  1. The jockey index works in the same way as the favourites index with the spread betting company quoting a spread for a jockey. You then need to decide whether or not you think that the jockey will have a better day then expected or not.

    Winning Distances.
    The winning distance index is slightly different, but only in the way that the points are counted. Points are awarded as follows:

    Short Head = 0.1 of a length
    Head = 0.2 of a length
    Neck = 0.3 of a length
    Half a length = 0.5 of a length
    3/4 of a length = 0.75 of a length

    For all distances of a length and over one point per length is awarded.

    In this market whole points are divided into tenths. If you 'go high' (buy) with £10 a point then it will be £1 a tenth.

    At the end of the meeting all winning distances are accumulated and compared against the index.

    As you can see, spread betting is very different to standard betting and offers a variety of different bets. If you haven't tried spread betting before then you need to proceed with caution. Unlike standard betting you don't know how much you are going to lose when you place the bet and you could be in for an unpleasant surprise later.

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