
How Kauto Star can lose the cheltenham Gold Cup

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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How Kauto Star can lose the cheltenham Gold Cup. There is lot of hype about kauto winning but there are at least 7 ways kauto can lose. lets see if you know your game?




  1. Bobmitchell
    After 25 years of involvement in this game I think there’s a lot more than seven, but here’s a few to be going on with
    1, Refuse to race
    2, Refuse to jump a fence
    3, Be carried out by a lose horse
    4, Be brought down by another faller
    5, To fall himself
    6, To be pulled up
    7, For the saddle to slip
    8, For the horse to slip on one of the bends
    9, To run out
    10, Over  to you for that one?

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