
How Large is our (USA) Naval Strength in the Black Sea?

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How Large is our (USA) Naval Strength in the Black Sea?




  1. USA Naval Strength in the Black Sea?

    .. srry mate, not much. As u know we talking about a closed sea (check the map) there is only one route for in & out .. u can't hide, u can't loose own track.

    If u wanna put a naval group at black sea at the war time (with or without supporters) I'd said u looking for a trouble ( trouble your forces ) cuz airbases at the ground only 10min.far away for a Mach2 seeking missle or Mig's (max20) .. If u wanna put a carrier group at black sea for defend and sweep enemy forces u can loose more than one carrier :(

    IMHO very bad idea put a fleet at black sea for fight with opposite side (especially russian naval&airforces-without fighter umbrella who based at near ground) .. Just put some airforces on the ground bases for control the seaside (cuz many ally countries around black sea) much better idea .. especially If u don't loose carrier's.

  2. how does the us have to deal with black sea anyway?

    oh hey how large is the us naval strength on the Baikal lake?

  3. Definitely classified. Sailors aren't even allowed to communicate where they are when at sea to family. But we have mobilized battle groups patrolling all over the world not too far away from all strategic points. There's most likely nothing but a small task force to monitor that specific area at the moment, with support groups no longer than a days travel away. If need be, one of the many battle groups could be in the area within a few short days, depending on their current location. A battle group can cruise as fast as the slowest ship (the carrier) which is capable of excess 30 knots (35mph+) 24/7.

  4. We don't have any 'naval strength' in the Black Sea.  We may have a destroyer VISIT ports along the Black Sea.  

  5. I think that information might be construed as classified.

  6. Every carrier battle group commands an area the size of California. With at least 12 of them and in flight refueling, there isn't a farm pond in the world out of reach.  

  7. the word of the day is OPSEC.  

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