
How Long Before The Trip to Dominican Do I Need To Take The Vacinations?

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I'm going to Dominican on March 5th. I was just wondering how long before the trip do i need to take the vaccines that are needed.




  1. Where are you from?!

    I am from the United States... and when I traveled to the Dominican (Punta Cana) a couple of years ago I didn't need any vaccines... just my passport and photo ID!! :)

    Anyway, if you're traveling from the US you shouldn't need any vaccinations...

  2. I just went to Dominican and no vaccinations were needed.

  3. I didn't get any shots before I went and was fine the whole time :D

  4. Believe me.. you don't need to take any!

  5. Depends on what you want. I went last year and took malaria tablets. 2 weeks before and 4 weeks after.

    But if you want to take the injections they "suggest" you should do to the docs.

  6. First of all... if you are going to the Domenican REPUBLIC you need to use the entire name... you wouldn't believe how many AmeriKans end up in DOMENICA because they insist on using half the countries name... really... believe me...

    Secondly, NO MALARIA MEDICATION will KEEP YOU FROM GETTING MALARIA... it just masks the effects of malaria... If you go to a Caribbean country, you may or may NOT get malaria, but if you take the malaria medications you WILL damage your liver... and the longer you take it, the more you will damage it.

  7. For your information, this is not Africa!!! So, you don't need anything!. But if you want to take a vaccine you must take it 7 days before leaving and be sure not to be sick from the reaction. The most important is not to drink from the tab and not use to much ice the first days, your body is not used to it!

    Again here are no problems I live here for several years and never had a problem. Enjoy your stay!!

  8. No Vaccinations required. I agree with "Happy Feet" this is not Africa.

    Good Luck!!

    I hope you enjoy your stay!!

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