
How Long Did It Take You To Think To Urself...?

by Guest66814  |  earlier

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he/she is "THE ONE"? and were right?




  1. I never thought he was the one.  I thought,  we have been together for so long, so why not.

  2. i knew the moment i saw him  

  3. A heartbeat :)  We've been married 16 years, together 18 and looking forward to many, many more!

  4. about 1 year and I was wrong so take more time  

  5. still thinkn

  6. The first date.  2 weeks later we were engaged.

    5 kids later she is still "the one" and the only woman I married.

    Knowing when you find "the one" is likened to some cliche quotes I am reminded of from the movie the Matrix.

    Being like Neo where the oracle described being "the one" is like being in love.  No one can tell you that you're in love.  You just know.  When you see these questions on this forum site from little kids asking if it's just a crush or how do you know it's love etc etc. you have to smirk slightly.  Because when you've found "the one" you know it.

    Much like when you're in love.  You know it.  You will undeniably know it.  You won't ever have to ask, you won't contemplate it, analyze it, guess about it, or even wonder about it....

    ... you just "know"

    And much like everyone else that "knows" they have found their "one" it is one of those things that is impossible to describe or give details about the feeling.

    When it happens you will just know it.  You won't even second guess it.  You will literally be 100% utterly and completely convinced and satisfied with what you know as a "fact" that this person is "the one"

    And take satisfaction in finding them to.  Very few live their entire lives and actually meet that "one"

    You won't ever "think" they're the one, or have a feeling that they "could possibly be the one"... you will KNOW they are the moment you meet them.

    I never used to believe in destiny or the hocus pocus stuff revolving around this concept of "the one"  In fact I would give advice to the contrary in which I firmly believed there is no such thing but rather a story tale we have created from our nostalgic idealistic mindsets of wishing for eternal happiness.

    Then I met my wife and I assumed all that I had once thought was wrong.  That doesn't mean my marriage will last for eternity by a long shot... marriage and relationships take work and effort to be successful.  However... when you meet someone that knocks your socks off, that could be just luck.  But I know without a shadow of a doubt that what I have is very few and far between...  I met my "one" and there's nothing anyone could ever say to convince me otherwise.

  7. It took a few months, but we waited over 3 years to get married.

  8. With my first four long-term boyfriends, I thought they were The One within a few months. None of those relationships lasted - I was with them all for between two and six years.

    With my current fiancee, I didn't realize he was The One until we had a baby together :)

    In general, I don't trust the whole "The One" concept. Nobody is perfect, relationships take a lot of hard work and commitment. And 50% of marriages don't last, no matter how much you thought they were The One when you married them. What you have to do is be 100% committed to a person, with all their flaws. If you can be with somebody and say to yourself, "I will stay with this person forever no matter how much I may come to dislike him" - well, that's The One right there.

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