
How Long Do Eyes Stay Dialated?

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I went to the eye doctor today and got my eyes dialated. How long will they stay this way because as of right now, i'm like blinded by EVERYTHING. I got them dialated about 3 hours ago. I have dark brown eyes, if that matters. Also curious..will the dialation stuff give me headaches, because i have an extremely intense one right now and the whole light sensitivity isn't helping. did the eye drops cause this? kayy thanks!




  1. yea the optometrist usually dialates your eyes so he can see into them to make sure there is no infection or broken blood vessels, etc. continue to wear the sunglasses that the optometrist gave you. usually the dialation will last for 3-4 hours, maybe even longer depending on if ur optometrist gave the reversing drops. the headache is caused by the increase in light and everything seems bright. your eyes cannot focus and it causes a headache. it will all go away

  2. Your eyes should be going back to normal pretty quickly. The drops can cause a bit if headache, and the dilation is letting more light in so that is not easy on a headache either.  Reversal drops work for some people. We do not use them at our office becuase they sting like the dickens and turn your eye red for about 45 min to an hour. Then after the redness goes away the reversal starts working. By then, most people are about half way to becoming un dilated anyway and most do not like the stinging. I have a hard time getting it in the second eye once i have the first one done, most people decline. So, we waste a lot of reversal drops as they only have a 3 week shelf life once they are opened and most people do not like them. We do not even order them anymore. You should take some tylenol and get some rest. IT could be a side effect, or just a coincidence. If it is not cleared up by tomorrow call your doctor and ask them what to do from here. I hope you feel better. I wish I could give you a pat on the back! Bless your heart!

  3. A variety of different dilating drops could have been used, but the most common ones used in adults for a regular eye exam will keep you dilated for about 4-8 hours.

  4. Too much light entry can indeed cause headaches,and a dialated eye can be the cause.

      Most doctors have what is called "reversal drops" to speed up the process of normal eye conditions, but even then it can take hours.  I just went through this Monday, and even with the reversal drops, it took about six hours before returning to normal.  Every one is different

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