
How Long Do You Reckon The Human Race Will Last For?

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In years...




  1. if people keep murding people twice as short  

  2. Until Earth turns into Heaven and we won't need bodies anymore

  3. Hmmm. That's a tough one.  I consider my self an optimist, at least when it comes to the bigger picture.  I would like to think that this is a rough, transitionary period that we will either fall or fly in.

    I believe that if we survive the next few hundred years we will have forged our species into a truly long lived civilization.

  4. can't say in years but either,

    a) until we blow ourselves up,

    b) until the sun goes out

    c) until a bigger predator comes along and eats us


    d) until the super volcano errupts.

    (I'm being quite cynical aren't I)

  5. I'd give us another 300 years...thats before the giant earthquakes, monster storms, and blazing heatwaves wipe us out.

  6. Until God stands up and says time is no more.

    my guess in years...10,000 to go. give or take.

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