
How Long Do periods usually last?

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I'm 13 just had my first period 5 days ago and i HATE IT!

i cant wait till it ends for at least 1 month!

How long do periods last because im getting tired of all of this period c**p!

Im still having a lot of blood and i have been using 2 pads at once




  1. 3 days to a week

  2. up to seven days!!! Sorry

  3. ill say they last from 3-5 days around

  4. I say you will probably have your period anywhere from 3 to 7 days.

  5. one to two weeks, depending on the lady.

  6. 6 days mayb 7 but it is very unlikely!

  7. mine last 3 days it all is different for each woman  

  8. Usually 2-3 days of heavy bleeding, then a few (4-5) of light flow.

    It will take a while for it to get 'regular' though.

    After a while, try using tampons. They may seem gross or not very appealing... but they keep you cleaner, it doesn't feel like you're wearing a diaper.

  9. Their usually quite heavy and long when they first start, maybe even for the first year, and they usually settle down and most people's average out at like 3 - 5 days.

    Use it to your advantage (you can get out of gym and you can claim days of when you first get them, lol), but yeah, they def get better.

  10. Normally it lasts 7 days. Your in the home stretch. I hear ya, I hate them to. I think most women do.  

  11. 4 or 5 days  

  12. mine lasted seven days when it started out. it's now a little bit lighter but i get more cramps and i get bloated before my period. it lasts about six days now. it might last up to 8, you never know.

    remember though: its only your first period and of course during the first year or so, it might be a little bit irregular.

  13. L.O.L!!! That depends on you & your cycle. My period usually lasts 6 days! Its really heavy at fist & then it slows. I say you will probably have your period anywhere from 3 to 7 days. You will get use to it. Its just a part of life that you are stuck with for a very long time.

  14. 3 to 7 days it depends, you should give tampons a shot i know your young but once you start using them your period isn't as gross and bad because its all trapped before it leaves you instead of getting all gross and on your pad you know? but I'm sure that wont come easy to you it took me many tries but having your period does suck! im sorry, welcome to womanhood hun<3

  15. my girlfriends lasts 5 to 7 days

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