
How Long Does Asthma Medication Take To Work?

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I was diagnoised as having asthma and a chest infection on Monday. I've really been struggling to breath, and I basically sound like I am in labour with those short sharp breaths. I've had a pain in the chest, which I've been in ER 3 times since Thursday (Tuesday night now). They said it was the infection.

It's been over 24 hours, and to be honest it's getting worse. I am at my wits end.

How long till I get better or at least be able to breath properly?

Should I go back to ER??

I am only in my mid-20s and in pretty good nick. I could put some weight on, but other than that, I've been in good health. No smoking or drinking history.




  1. I had the puffers, and they were fairly much instant. However, combined with a chest infection, I'd say you will have to wait for the antibiotic's to kick in to feel some relief. You should start to be feeling better by now.

    Do you have a vaporizer? If you do I would put that on and shut the doors. It will help your breathing.

    If you are no better by tomorrow though, I would be going back.

    x x x x x x x x

  2. Depends on what they've given you.

    An inhaler or nebulizer would be for immediate relief,  steroids and other meds, in my own experience with myself and my daughter can take 24 hours.

    Yes you need to go back, at least for a nebulizer treatment and possibly a reassessment, although the antibiotic you would have been given for infection can take anywhere from 24-76 hours to begin feeling improvement, depending on what it is.

    I'd say post the meds you're on for a better answer, but really Charli I think you need to go get an albuterol/nebulizer treatment. A woman like you taking the time to complain about it tells me it's quite bad. :(

    Feel better.  

  3. What medication? You need to be more specific in how they are treating you ..... then I can answer in a thoughtful and hopefully productive way for you

  4. I wonder if they have given you steroids as well as some antibiotics?  When I (as an asthma sufferer) have a chest infection I use my nebuliser up to 4 times per day as well as 40mg of Prednislone and antibiotics, you should have felt better within 48-72 hours if  you feel worse after that go back to see your doctor.

    You could try inhaling steam to see if that opens your airways.

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