
How Long Does Homeschool Usualy Last?

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I'm homeschooled ive been in homeschool for about 2 weeks now due to my agoraphobia it's fear of leaving my house.How long will i be homeschooled for?




  1. That is up to YOU and how you handle your phobia. You can actually be home schooled up until the time you receive your diploma (graduate). However you will eventually have to go outside to do your testing, not sure where you live, but I live in Arizona, I home schooled my stepson for a year, for the most part it was all stay at home, but when it came time for him to take his progress test (AIMS) he had to go to a school to take it.

    Also, this depends on how long YOU want to be home schooled? Right now with your phobia you probably prefer this, I suggest working on your phobia, phobia's can be very hard to deal with, I don't have the fear of going outside, but I do have some phobia's that at time can get me so bad that I can barely move, I can't imagine what yours does to you.

    I commend you for being brave and still finding a way to continue your education. Do well on your home school courses as they will reflect on your record. Also if you aren't progressing as much as the standards set by your state they may try to force you back to public school, just make sure you do all your work and put all your effort into learning your courses.

    GOOD LUCK.. You are more brave than you think!

    Edit: I've seen a lot of answers that are answering this to how long will home schooling last per "day", this is what I know from home schooling my step son. In Arizona the home schooling required that you have at least 35 hours a week in study or testing time. So ultimately the decision is yours and your parents. My son chose to do 5 days at 7 hours a day, however if you don't mind doing school work on the week ends you could break it down to as much as 5 hours a day for the 7 days. The time my son spent on his class wasn't set entirely as long as he reached his goal of 35 hours a week. There may be days you only spend 1 hour, as long as you make up the other 34 before the week ends.

    I still read the question as to mean how long in years or how long can you be allowed to be home schooled, hope both answers help you no matter how the question was intended.

  2. 3-6 hours

    the kids across the street do it in about 2

    as long as your learning enough to pass your grade its okay

    personally i do about 9 hours a day

  3. There are 2 ways to answer this question.

    1-How many hours per day will I be homeschooled?

    Well, that really depends. I'd say no more than 5 hours (unless you are really behind and are motivated to catch up), but most homeschoolers can get away with a lot less (since there is no time wasted on waiting for the rest of the class or playing catch-up after you didn't understand something, forcing you to start from the beginning.)

    2-(And this is what I think you are really asking) How long will they let me get homeschooled (or will they force me back to school before I am ready) or how long will I have to get homeschooled before I am ready to go back to regular school?

    It depends on *your* readiness. I assume that you are working with a therapist (and possibly getting medication to help) to get your agoraphobia to a more managable level. (Note: as someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder, my goal has been to lessen my anxiety and learn to deal with what I have left, rather than get rid of it all.) This is important work to do for the kind of life you want to live, not just for education.

    But dealing with the agoraphobia leads to 2 important ideas:

    1-You don't have to get 100% better in order to go back to school, and

    2-When you improve enough to be able to leave the house, it doesn't mean you have to go back to school.

    If you feel comfortable going back to school and you want to--great. If you feel comfortable leaving the house but don't want to go back to school--that's great too.

    Depending on the school environment, school can either feel like a great place to go (in which case, you probably want to go back as soon as you can manage to leave your house, even if you aren't ready for other challenges yet) or it can itself be a cause of great distress (in which case, you will not want to go back, even it you can physically make it there).

    If you want to go back to school, I encourage you to keep up with your classmates (following the same curriculum), but your focus should be on dealing with the agoraphobia. Yes, spend time on schoolwork, but the primary part of your education should be dealing with your fears.

    If you are happy getting homeschooled, really work on your overall education, don't just do what they are doing in the brick and mortar school. Yes, you should absolutely work on your agoraphobia, but think of it as a life skill, not strictly as part of your education.

    The big difference between the 2 approaches have to do with your wants and what caused the agoraphobia. If you have been borderline agoraphobic for a while, but had been managing and you want to go back to school quickly, you should focus on taking the edge off your phobia, then, once back into your routine, continue working on your mental health. If something big happened to cause your agoraphobia or if school was a primary cause, you may not want to go back to school. In that case, get into a homeschooling routine while working on the phobia, but don't have returning to school as a specific goal (instead your goal could be doing other things that bring you into contact with the public).

    In any case, good luck!

  4. Are you sure you're not in a homeBOUND program run by your public school? If this is the case, I imagine you'll stop being homebound when you get over your agoraphobia.

    But if you're doing actual homeschooling...well, you can stop and go to public or private school whenever you want to providing your parents agree with the decision as well.

  5. We begin our children the day after Labor day and go until June 1st. From 9:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M.

    No PTA or snow days.

  6. basically you're on your own.  i've met homeschooled kids who do no more than 1 hr everyday - yeah i know, don't ask.  and i know kids who do work all day long.  it really is up to you or whoever is watching you.  and they don't police it so all they really care about is whether you pass your tests or not.  hope you get over your phobia soon.

  7. omg usually


    3-4 hours for normal kids

    1-2 hours for fast workers

    5-8  hours for slower workers

    or it depends on your state , county

    youlive in

    but i guess they'll never no how much u really do

    ha ha lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    lots a luck for ur phobia

  8. When I home schooled my children, we did school work for about 4 to 5 hours a day.  There were free days when we would do field-trips, but they would have to write and essay on what they learned on our field trips the next day.  Our week started with Monday reading material for all core classes. This may carry over to Tuesday.  Tuesday through Friday the kids would work on their own with the assignments once finished we would go over the material together, if there were any issues we would go over that material until they understood it.

    Now if you talking about how long homeschooling last in respect to your phobia, that is up to you and how determined you are to get well.

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