
How Long Is Boot Camp Graduation (duration)?

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And... My Boyfriend wanted me to wear heels so I am, but I heard there is a lot of walking involved... so could I bring like some flip flops in the ceremony with me in my purse? And What Does The Graduation consist of?




  1. If he is a Marine like my brother-in-law the graduation was about 2 hours. from 10am-12pm for us. There isn't really much walking involved on the actual graduation day but the day before the graduation there is a thing called family day...well at least for us there was. Anyway, that day we walked...ALOT! But we got to spend like 5-6 hours with him that day too which was really nice. For us graduation was on July 11th and family day was July 10th.

  2. You never mentioned what branch he was serving in, but if it's the Marine Corps it will take about an hour and a half.  I learned to despise the band that day...

  3. It is about an hour or so.  I would wear comfortable shoes, there is a bit of walking.  The flip flops in purse thing sounds like a good idea. (Also, you get to sit during the ceremony so I would be less worried about how long that is and having comfortable shoes to walk in.)

  4. Don't know about the Navy but in the Army it takes about an hour and a half or two hours.  It could get pretty uncomfortable in heels but might I suggest a pair of fashionable sandals rather than flip flops?  It's not a dressy event but it is rather important, for the BF if for no one else.  Why not make him proud.  Nice outfit and shoes.  Good luck to you.

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