
How Long Should I leave My Daughter At Preschool?

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I have enrolled her in a preschool at the YMCA. The preschool is part time/ full time.

I went in for 3 days and did what they call a phasing in, I was there for about an hour each, and my little one did not want to leave.

Well she starts tomorrow and I her regular hours will be Mon-Wed 8-3 but I have the option of picking her up early at 1:00 instead of 3:00.

Should I pick her up early or just let her stay the whole 7 hours? How should I start her off? I have about 2 weeks before I go back to work so I have a flexible schedule in which I can pick her up early.

What should I do? She seems to really like the kids and teacher.




  1. for the first week, collect her at 1.

    the second week, collect her at 3.

    she will be learning loads of new stuff, even if its just names of people. she will get quite tired for the first week.

    does she still nap? she might now!

    let her do the second week as full time so you can see she copes ok before you go back to work.

    my son loved preschool

  2. If she has to stay until 3 when you are working, I would leave her until 3.

    That way she doesn't notice a difference when you do go back to work and she will be comfortable with staying until 3.

  3. Oh, that's great!  She really must have such kind of environment... to be with kids and teachers.  And with that, you will lessen your worries about how she will behave at home, alone with a baby sitter, yaya or other older ones.  Although being with the kins will strengthen their bondings with each other.  But being with the kids her age and such kind of socialization with make your kid adjust to such healthy environment :)

    You better fetch her at 3:00PM.  For sure, you will observe that every day in school will always be here first day.  

    Cheers!!!!!! GOD BLESS THE CHILD :)

  4. your daughter seems to be well adjusted and a good social balanced child.. if she has not had any problems with the initial phase i do not see why u need to pick her up early. just make sure the teacher has your number in case she needs you to come early..  

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