
How Long Should It Take To Be Ready To Compete In MMA?

by  |  earlier

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I am 21, 5'10", and weigh normally around 160-165. i kno that i would be perfect for the lightweight division due to me size, as most lightweights are normally 5'8ish.

i train 6 days a week, 3 bjj classes, 2 muay thai, and 1 mma class to bring everything together. i plan on doing extra pad work and drilling outside of class, and i am also going to speak with some of the fighters from my gym to work wrestling.

i was wondering, at this rate, how long do you think it would take to b ready to compete.

i have been told by many people that i have a natural talent on the ground, and that for someone without any takedown training, i am pretty good. i have also been told that for my size, i am very strong.




  1. rastagra called it, why would you come a forum, if you have all that instruction, unless your not liking what they tell you.  

  2. Agree with rastagrappler

  3. wellyou are probably alreay ready to comptete im pretty sure anyone can enter amatuer tournaments i never said you would win you might lose but you can already compete. if you want to start winning ill just say 2 years then you will be decent.

  4. for competition at this rate 24 champion or a decent division like wec or k1 30 if ur still in shape but id say add meditation and it will be 23 and 25 but idk this is mere speculation i don have a video of rur workouts sparing pracice grappling practice bench prees squat clean or even running btu i suspect i was wrong and u will be ready for amature competition very soon like 2 yeaes or less

  5. If everything you wrote here is true than I am going to suggest that you look for advice on this matter from some of the people in real life who you already know to be credible sources of advice on such a matter. There are only a few people on this forum who would even be qualified to be giving you that kind of advice, and since they don't see you training and sparing, they would know better than to give you advice. But if you are not kicking the c**p out of most of the guys in your classes and only really getting beaten by guys who already compete than you can be pretty sure you have a long way to go. I'm also going to tell you that "I'm blah-blah-blah height and weight blah-blah-blah so I would be perfect for blah-blah" is dummy fan boy talk. If you don't have the skill set, your physical dimensions are pretty beside the point.

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