
How Long To Go From Plymouth To Rye In A Cruser That Does 5 Knots?

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How Long To Go From Plymouth To Rye In A Cruser That Does 5 Knots?




  1. Depends on whether you travel when the tides and currents are in your favour or not. Or if there is a head wind, or the waves are big. All this must be considered, along with the distance and potential speed of your craft.

  2. Plymouth to Rye is about 250 nautical miles. Thats 50 hours at 5 knots - over 2 days. There are two high tides and two low tides each day, therefore the overall effect on your passage over two days can be ignored (the help of the incoming tide will be negated by the ebbing tide). The tides on your route can be over 2 knots at springs, so some of the time you will be doing 7knots over the ground, but conversely, sometimes you will be doing only 3knots over the ground.

    Avoid the Solent - go round the south of the Isle of White - the tides in the Solent are so strong, you really need to calculate them accurately, otherwise you would be more than stopped dead (in a strong adverse stream with you doing 5knots it's quite easy to be going backwards!!).

    Others have mentioned the wind direction, but unless you are in a sailboat this is not going to be much help. The average wind direction will be from the South West, but unless you can hoist sail a motor cruiser will not be advantaged that much.

    Have a great sail Bigpathome.

  3. Easy, Google (or Yahoo) the distance and request it in Nautical Miles or convert the distance given to Nautical Miles.  Then just divide by 5 (Knots) and divide by 60 to give you the time.

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