
How Long Until Solar Power (solar panels) Becomes Cheap?

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How Long Until Solar Power (solar panels) Becomes Cheap?




  1. I think it is the Govt plus the energy industry keeping the price high

    Have thought, since 1977 when a plumber who lives near me put them in. That with time, Solar would take over the Energy Industry.

    If the Govt was at all interested in slowing the demand for fossil fuel. They would be funding Solar energy research. Its the cheapest Alt. Fuel out there, and thats why I don't believe the Democrats. They could have found the funding for years.

  2. Nuclear and concentrating solar are the cheapest and best ways to produce electricity but do not forget about hydro and geothermal, as we need all answers!

  3. Between 5 and 15 years.

    Current thin film technology, which is the current hope for inexpensive solar panels, are just starting to get commericalized.  At the solar conferences that I've been to in the last few months, I saw no vendors actually selling thin film technology, but I saw at least two companies selling fabrication lines for them.

    The presentations that I saw predict a 5 to 7 year horizen for thin film to become cost competitive with some of the more common energy production equipment.    Assuming that these presentations are a bit overly optimistic, I'd suspect it might be a bit longer (but still within the forseeable future.)

    Do a google on "thin film solar cost competitive" and see what comes up.

    Great question.

  4. Not for a while!

    The government does not like having anything that is efficent because then you don't give them as much money.

    They have proven that a normal four cylinder car that gets 30 miles per gallon would usually get 70 miles per gallon with using just a little extra $ during production.

    They want you to pay top dollar or gas and electric so they make more money!

    In some states the government will pay for the solar panels but i am not sure what states those are!

    Hope this helped!

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