
How Long Will It Be Until Another Team Joins The NHL???

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How many more seasons?

And when another team does join, which city will probably host the team that joins.




  1. There won't be any teams for at least the next 3 years or so. After that point, they may add 2 at once to reach 32 teams, and run a similar divisional system to the NFL. The reason why teams won't be added too soon is that there are issues with the current owners of teams. The Rangers and the NHL are in a tug-of-war over website issues, Boots Del Biaggio in Nashville and Henry Samueli in Anaheim are in legal trouble, and it took WAY too long for an eager owner with lots of money in Darryl Katz in Edmonton to get that team. They need better stability from the first 30 before reaping the benefits of expansion fees to make 32. And believe me, the expansion fees are the only real reason Bettman wants the teams, since there really aren't any available markets in the States that have even a minor interest in hockey, and he's shown that he has no interest in re-expanding to Canada (and most available Canadian cities wouldn't be able to match the spending at a $56 million cap).

    But expansion, like death and taxes, are inevitable.

  2. Toronto and Los Angeles are long overdue for NHL caliber teams! Lol!

    In the next few years, do not be surprised if the league gets rid of a couple teams instead of adding new ones.

  3. Hopefully never.  The NHL already way over expanded in the 90's.  They have several teams in poor markets and should cut teams not add them.

  4. I don't see it happening for a good 5 to 7 years. The talent pool is not there to add more teams.

  5. Im saying in 3 to 5 season two more teams will come in; Kansas City and Vegas.

    Add:  There will be expansion at some point.  The NHL has already bottomed out but is on a come back.  That means buying a team will likely be cheaper now than any time in the future.  Also, getting an NHL team would be easier at this point than any other major sports team, so filthy rich people interested in buying a sports franchise will likely focus on the NHL.  The NHL obviously has no problem with this since they make millions of dollars everytime a new franchise comes in.  

    Kansas City already has an arena waiting and Vegas is in the process of building theirs.  Its just a matter of time before there are teams playing in them.

    Add2:  Also keep in mind while 30 teams seems to be the standard for American sports league, with the NFLs 32 being the exception, the NHL only has 24 teams in the US.  That leaves more big cities for the NHL to expand to.

  6. never its more likely that another team moves some where like Nashville to Winnipeg

  7. Very long, hopefully.

  8. I wouldn't object. I used to be more against it until I was listening to the NHL hour (Bettman and Bill Clement talking about hockey and taking calls for an hour- great show) and Bettman was hemming and hawing on the talent issue, but Clement was saying go right ahead- the talent is there.  There are more teams, but many more players to draw from. You have top flight NHL goalies sitting on benches as backups. You have players that could be the cornerstones of teams playing on third lines. The talent is there.

    Seeing somebody who knows the game, and has played at a high level, saying that the talent is absolutly there reassures me.

    Rant over, probably about 5-6 seasons before Kansas City Or vegas gets a team, and Hamilton gets one. 32 teams, divisoins modeled after the NFL.

  9. Hopefully, none.

  10. Theres no gaurente but it said the ranger owner might get kick out and be placed to a Canadian team.

    Nashville the owner filed bankcruptcy so it might get switched.

  11. Hopefully never

  12. Hi,  Expansion is not in the "works" for the NHL in the immediate future - the product is far too diluted as it is. There will be a couple of teams that will probably loose their franchise.. You have to seriously think that Nashville, Columbus will disappear due to economics.

    Plus the player "make up" is sad... Just look at how many players have been bought out or given their outright release. There are far too many "floaters" around. Some of these individuals making a million or two and they score maybe 8 goals and as dozen assists.. Thats a lot of dollars and expensive goals...

    Even the "demi-God" Bertuzzi was cut adrift - teams cannot afford these sub-par individuals anymore.

    But this usually happens when athletes get a lucrative contract in the back pocket - "Hey, I've got big bucks now, why should I bust my buns out there" - it never fails... Maybe ther odd one like a Sid Crosby will make a conentrated effort, but the majority don't.

    Rachelle In High Heels

  13. Teams might be moved, but I don't think the NHL will expand beyond 30 teams.

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