
How Long should I save My sons baby clothes? ?

by  |  earlier

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He is going on 3 yrs, and I have saved everything so far. We think we want another baby before it is over with (I am only 26, and we already have two), but were not 100% sure. SO, I am wondering with that in mind, how many years worth of clothing is appropriate to save for a 3rd baby we dont know if/when will arrive and if it will be a boy. ..............

P.s. we are limited on storage space, but could prob make it work for one more yrs worth. I dont want to be a pack rat though




  1. I saved my kids clothes for about 3 years. Then i was sure we weren't having any more and sold them all in a yard sale- got over 400$ that day. I saved my youngest daughters highchair,strollers,car seats etc until she was 4 and ended up giving them to another Mommy that really needed some stuff. If I thought i might have more I would have kept it, but i was sure.

  2. I'd sell it on ebay. If you aren't even sure that you'll have another then why keep all the clutter around, you know? I saved my son's until he was about 3 and then finally decided to sell it, (except for a few outfits for sentimental reasons, of course). I felt great getting rid of the clutter and it put some extra cash in my pocket. I figured by the time I had another his clothes would be outdated anyway.

  3. I kept my son's clothes until he was 5 years old at which point my best friend got pregnant so I gave them to her. If I ever decide to have another child my friend will let me have them and her own babies clothes so I can't lose. If you really don't have room for all of them maybe you could just keep the best.

  4. Only you can decide that but I can tell you that I have a 3 1/2 year old son and a 6 month old son.  They were both born in February so all the sizes match up w/ the season and our youngest has been able to wear all of his big brothers old clothes.  We still buy him some new clothes, of course, but the hand-me-downs have saved us a ton of money (not to mention most of those were only worn a time or two anyway b/c he grew so fast).  I would save them, but that's just me.  : )

  5. I'd keep them if you're still thinking about more children. We're keeping all our son's clothing because we want more babies. Obviously you won't know if it's a boy or girl until you find out but it's better to be safe than sorry.

  6. Get rid of it.    I hate those spitup stains.  You're wasting storage space.  Onesies are inexpensive.  It's all dependent on season of the birth and the gender of the child.  Keep a coupl of baby blankets, maybe the REALLY nice unisex stuff, and donate the rest.   You should be keeping one small box maybe at the most.

  7. Keep only your favorite of every size.  pass on the others to people that can use them now.  clothes box/friend/church

    each child has their own personality not everything will fit your hope to be next child!

    Its so hard to let go of that stuff I know good luck.

    I have two and can not have any and I still have to bins I cant seem to let go of

    Good luck

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